Opinion Columns
It’s bill-writing time! While it seems like just yesterday the 2011 Legislature adjourned, it’s already time for the intrepid Legislative Counsel Bureau to start posting the requests lawmakers and committees have made for new laws to be considered during the 2013 session.
It took the United States and its allies less than four years to win World War II.
Recently on Facebook, I noticed a post from a conservative friend: “I would like someone out there to ask an ACLU-loving, radical liberal what they [sic] really want our country to be. It would be very interesting to hear it from their own lips what their twisted view of freedom is!”
I don’t know about you readers, but I’ll be watching tomorrow’s health care decision with more than just professional interest.
One unanticipated, but quite welcome, effect of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the Arizona immigration law case Monday may be that it could help lawmakers save some time during the Nevada Legislature’s 2013 session.
So, apparently one of the knocks on Assembly Speaker John Oceguera – running for Congress against Rep. Joe Heck in the 3rd District – is that he’s a “double-dipper.”