Score one for the well-funded, shadowy forces of anonymous political speech.
Opinion Columns
Bad! That’s a bad Assemblyman Jim Wheeler!
News item: U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., says he will hold up all presidential nominations until survivors of the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, testify before Congress.
“It is unlawful for any person to take all or part of any tips or gratuities bestowed upon the employees of that person”
Let’s put aside for a moment the most outrageous part of the recently unveiled videotape of Assemblyman Jim Wheeler, R-Gardnerville, saying he’d vote to bring back slavery if his constituents favored it.
Let’s start with the things everybody agrees on in the now-infamous Las Vegas police arbitration case.
Few debates in American politics are more useless than who is more patriotic than whom.
Actions speak louder than words.
The flags are flying at half staff at the Capitol again.
This is the appeal that had to happen. And, it just may be the appeal that changes things for thousands across the country.
One of my politically savvy friends once told me his idea for a devastating ad that could be used against Gov. Brian Sandoval.
That’s it? We shut down the government for nearly three weeks for this? What did anybody get out of it?
Welcome to debt-ceiling eve! Thursday is the day when the secretary of the treasury says the government will run out of borrowing authority and run into trouble paying its bills.
Is Henderson Mayor Andy Hafen really the city’s legitimately elected mayor?
One of the stupidest things about the tea party temper tantrum that has closed large swaths of our government is the idea of closing national parks, monuments and recreation areas.