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On ‘Frankenstein’ and public employee unions

To the editor:

I think back to watching the movie “Frankenstein” when I was a child and feeling some pity for the young scientist because his creation turned out to be evil. Unfortunately, I don’t feel the same pity for the members of the Las Vegas City Council for their realization that their creation, the city’s firefighters, have turned against them (Dec. 29 Review-Journal).

Gosh, all the council members wanted in return for their largess with public money was votes. Who would have thought that after raising firefighters’ salaries to two or three times what city residents make that they would attack their benefactors over the suggestion that they give some of their pay raises back during this recession? After all, only politicians and corporations are supposed to be greedy.

Robert Spriesterbach


Waste of tax money

To the editor:

Whoever penned the Dec. 24 editorial (“Up, up and away”) in your usual sarcastic tone is not very intelligent or aware of what was wrong with the “Balloon Boy” hoax perpetrated by the Heene family. It was on par with sounding a false fire alarm.

Think of how much taxpayer money and rescuers’ time was wasted searching for this supposedly lost boy. This could have easily jeopardized a person who might have been in real need at the time.

The Review-Journal constantly rants against the waste of the taxpayer money, but in this case, it is just a PC problem?

Mike Bernstein


Right to privacy

To the editor:

The Nevada Supreme Court ordering the release of the O.J. Simpson jury questionnaires, as requested by the Review-Journal and The Associated Press, serves to eliminate me from any jury pool (Friday Review-Journal).

While I have no problem with the involved attorneys having this information, I consider the release to the general public of a 116-question, 27-page questionnaire a violation of the Fourth Amendment right to privacy.

Where is the ACLU when we need them?

Henry Schmid


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LETTER: Up, up and away

I contend that the gas produced by the City Council is worse than anything the common folk could ever think of.