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LETTERS: Time to shake up Board of Regents

To the editor:

The Oct. 7 editorial providing endorsements for the Board of Regents deserves everyone’s attention. The opportunity to do some housecleaning comes up in less than a month. What has me so motivated is the decision of the current board to strip grandparents of what used to be their rights as Nevada citizens.

In the latest guidance from regents, grandparents — along with aunts and uncles, step-parents, etc. — can no longer sponsor their descendants in Nevada schools based on our status as state residents. The word “family” has been redefined, and we no longer count.

I’ve been paying property taxes in this town for 20 years, and I always thought my tax dollars were as good as anyone else’s. If I wanted my child or grandchild to attend school here, after a year of residence in Nevada, he or she would earn the right to be a Nevada resident. The Board of Regents disagrees. The strategy is as old as the hills: “Divide and conquer.” Sort the people of the state into subcategories, and gouge them, one category at a time.

You might think there would be some sort of due process when our rights are taken away — some opportunity to challenge the proposal and voice our objections. But but there wasn’t any. In denying me due process, the current regents showed me how powerful they believe themselves to be. Of course, while doing this, they continued to feed on my taxes.

Let me take this opportunity to assure the board that my opinion of its members is lower than can possibly be imagined. If you are a grandparent, an aunt or an uncle, a step-parent, or someone who doesn’t want to stand by and watch other Nevadans stripped of their rights, please support the Review-Journal’s endorsements. Vote for Trevor Hayes in District 2 and Kevin Page in District 3.

Thankfully, Jack Schofield has reached term limits and cannot run for re-election in District 5, so at least one of the bad apples is guaranteed to be removed from the barrel.

The results need to be clear enough to send a message to the remaining members of the board that we are fed up with their arrogance, and they must change their ways. Until that happens, I ask all Nevadans to stand together and vote out the incumbents at every opportunity, until they are all replaced.



Margins tax math

To the editor:

The Question 3 ballot initiative, which proposes a 2 percent gross margin business tax, will hurt Nevada greatly. Here’s how: Take as an example a small business person who has five small stores, say corner convenience stores. Each store grosses about $1 million per year, or $5 million total. Each store has a different profit, but on average, let’s assume each store makes $25,000 per year in profit, for a total income to the owner of $125,000 per year — a very decent income.

Enter the Nevada margins tax.

The owner is taxed 2 percent of the $5 million, or $100,000. The net income now is $25,000 per year, as opposed to $125,000, or an 80 percent decrease in income. Now, the business model is no longer viable. This is a very real scenario for small businesses. This will cost Nevada jobs, and lots of them.



Summerlin deserves better

To the editor:

I totally agree with letter writer Phillip Sparacino’s summation of Downtown Summerlin (“Downtown Summerlin has faulty layout,” Oct. 12 Review-Journal).

I worked in retail for 17 years. This mall should have been a cross between the Meadows and Fashion Show malls and The Forum Shops at Caesars. What was The Howard Hughes Corp. thinking? What a mishmash of stores; it doesn’t make a bit of sense.

Nordstrom Rack? Are you kidding? Summerlin is one of the best areas of Las Vegas to live in. We deserved better.

I’m so disappointed in Downtown Summerlin that I will drive the extra miles to go to the Fashion Show. I think Trader Joe’s will do well, and the restaurants will help the low-end Dillard’s and Macy’s. Without the restaurants’ draw, I do not think most of the stores would make it.

Downtown Sumerlin is just an outlet mall with a Trader Joe’s. Good luck, Howard Hughes Corp. I hope I am wrong.



Midterm elections

To the editor:

I suggest serious thought be given by those planning to vote for any Democratic candidate in the midterm elections. After all, throughout President Barack Obama’s six years in office, Democratic members of Congress have provided almost 100 percent of their support to the president’s failed policies. I guess we can say the entire Democratic Party should be charged with aiding and abetting the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

A word of caution: Do not be hoodwinked by those who now distance themselves from President Obama, when in fact, they were always lapdogs for him. They’ve supported the president completely throughout his tenure, and they should go down with the ship in the November elections.



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