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LETTERS: Sandoval’s challenger deserves notice

To the editor:

Regarding the race for governor between incumbent Brian Sandoval and challenger Bob Goodman, the Founding Fathers believed strongly that in America, political parties are necessary to represent the voice of the people. Our election process and belief in democracy — where people have a choice in leaders — is a significant component in setting this nation apart from countries ruled by dictators.

I and many others like to study the candidates, their qualifications, experience and how they would improve the current status of the state of Nevada. Statistically, this state ranks among the worst in unemployment, health care, high school and college graduation and violent crime.

If I were running for governor, this would be a dream campaign. How can our great state be at or near the bottom in every significant category? Don’t our citizens deserve better than this? Yet throughout the media, it is reported that Gov. Sandoval will win because the Democratic Party did not support a qualified candidate.

There has been no reporting about who Mr. Goodman is. But we know he was director of the state’s economic development agency and the state’s tourism agency, which promotes Nevada’s gaming and entertainment industries around the world. And for many years, he has been a leader in the Sino-American Trade Development Association, which promotes economic relations between America and Asia.

I would think with Mr. Goodman’s economic background, with a depressed economy in Nevada, citizens would like to know about Bob Goodman, his platform and how he believes he can improve our lives.

I am a conscientious voter; it is my intent to educate myself about who the best candidates are for public office. I am asking for more information about Mr. Goodman. I believe the people of Nevada deserve to have the ability to make an informed choice, rather than read reporting that states Mr. Goodman is going to lose because no one knows who he is.



Polish Heritage Month

To the editor:

Here it is October, and there is nothing about Polish Heritage Month. This occasion has been around since at least 1983. I have seen Black History Month, Jewish holidays, Mexican Heritage Month and many other days and weeks celebrated. Where are the Polish leaders?

People of Polish heritage go out and get corporate jobs, just like everyone else. I have lived here for 17 years and only seen one event about Polish Heritage. In Chicago, we did things a lot better and were proud to be Polish. It seems that those of Polish descent here do not have the same pride. I have not seen the celebration of it, so I must conclude that it does not exist.



Friedrich good for HOAs

To the editor:

In a recent column, Barbara Holland wrote some nasty remarks about Jonathan Friedrich, who serves on the state’s Commission for Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels (“It’s about time our communities caught a break,” Sept. 27 Review-Journal). Mr. Friedrich represents homeowners on the board, and he was appointed to that position by Gov. Brian Sandoval.

Those who live in homeowners associations are well-represented by Mr. Friedrich. It seems that sometimes that irritates Ms. Holland, who appears to have a different opinion of Mr. Friedrich. But I suspect she needs a refresher course in democracy. Laws and regulations are often hotly debated, as they should be in some cases, but I’m very disappointed that her opinions were published without considering counterarguments.

Ms. Holland owes Mr. Friedrich an apology, and so does the Review-Journal for publishing her disrespectful attack on a governor-appointed official.



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