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LETTERS: President in win-win situation by issuing executive amnesty order

To the editor:

Go for it, Mr. President. Use executive action to get immigration reform moving (“Obama, GOP head to battle on immigration,” Nov. 15 Review-Journal).

It wouldn’t make any difference if President Barack Obama had or hadn’t taken executive action on immigration reform, because the Republicans and the tea party would fight him tooth and nail, regardless.

The Republicans are caught between a rock and a hard place. If they work with President Barack Obama toward sensible immigration reform, their white, anti-immigration base will freak out, and if the Republicans maintain their delay-and-deceit tactics, the American public will see exactly who is blocking immigration reform.

If Congress waits until January, when do-nothing Republicans take over control of the House and Senate, is there anyone in America who believes these anti-immigration with more power will be more inclined to work on comprehensive immigration reform?

Can the tea-party Republican extremism that dominated the last six years be any more extreme in the next two years?

Watch the immigration reform debate for a view of the future.



Misplaced priorities

To the editor:

I saw a television report that stated there are 2.5 million American children who are homeless. Yes, in the United States. Yet President Barack Obama wants to spend billions of dollars to help process undocumented children who arrived from South America. What is wrong with this picture? What is our president thinking, wanting to spend this kind of money on people who are trying to illegally enter our country?

We have thousands of veterans suffering from different kinds of illnesses, and we are not helping them because of lack of funds. Where are our president’s priorities? He is suggesting giving amnesty to 5 million undocumented immigrants. Again, this is going to cost the government money to support these people. They entered our country illegally, why grant them safe haven here?

There are millions of professional, highly skilled people waiting to enter our country legally. Give these people priority because, these are the people who will end up helping our economy, not undocumented immigrants who will likely end up on welfare.



Congressional stupidity

To the editor:

The Democratic Party and all of its liberal associates have been saying for years that the Republican Party is the “party of no.” After all, who in their right mind would vote for something that was deemed not feasible?

To the contrary, I say that because of all the improprieties that have occurred during six years under President Barack Obama, the Democratic Party is the party of deceit. I say this without any reservations, especially to all of the Democratic members of Congress who voted for the Affordable Care Act. All Democrats in Congress, both in the House and Senate, voted to pass this law. This monstrous law was never read by most Democratic members.

The Obama administration, in different ways, coerced many Democrats in Congress to pass this law, without one Republican vote. Should Republicans be blamed for saying no to such destructive legislation?

Who is MIT professor and economist Jonathan Gruber — the primary framer of Obamacare — referring to when he talks about the stupidity of the American voter? Since he refers to all of the deceptions in this law, I can only conclude that he must be referring to not only all the citizens who voted for President Obama, but to every Democrat in Congress. I cannot believe the depth of gullibility of a major segment of American citizens.



Water district ads

To the editor:

I hear and read all the time about there being too much violence on television, yet no one seems to care about the extreme violence and hatred in the advertising shown on our local TV stations. Everyone who watches the violent, anti-male advertising of the Las Vegas Valley Water District should be astounded by what they see, yet no one else seems to care.

The ads all depict men as wasting water. Then virtually every ad shows a man violently attacked in some way. If you think that this is funny, you are sick. I don’t think anyone wants their children to think that these ads are OK or funny. These ads need to be pulled off of television, and the person who authorized them needs to be fired. Further, the head of the water district needs to leave, as well — assuming that person hasn’t already left with a large pension for life.

Every time I pay my water bill, some portion of it goes to advertising. Why in the world is the water district wasting money on these ads, when every single water bill tells us what days we can water, what water group we are in and how often we can water? The water district might be a nonprofit organization, but how much could we consumers save on our water bills if the money spent on television advertising stopped?



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