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LETTERS: Nevada congressional delegation merits kudos for state land efforts

To the editor:

As an amateur archaeologist and outdoor enthusiast, I have long been involved in the preservation of our natural and cultural resources. I want to join the Review-Journal editorial board in thanking our Nevada congressional delegation for their actions in this regard (“This land is our land,” Dec. 17 Review-Journal).

Earlier this month, both houses of Congress approved legislation that includes measures to protect Nevada wilderness and spur economic development throughout our state — a rare combination. Several such bills were amended into the National Defense Authorization Act and were amazingly approved by both houses during the lame-duck session. Nevadans from all parts of the state should be grateful to Sens. Harry Reid and Dean Heller, and Reps. Dina Titus, and Mark Amodei, Steven Horsford and Joe Heck for working hard to bring this legislation to fruition.

While these are indeed measures to protect critical wilderness areas in our state, the benefit to our recovering economy should not be overlooked. This was a remarkable example of people who don’t always agree coming together to work collaboratively on an important issue — and succeeding. Local officials, business leaders, conservationists and outdoor enthusiasts worked across party lines with their federal representatives to craft balanced, common-sense legislation that is a victory for the entire state.

I hope everyone will find time to contact our Nevada congressional delegation and extend a heartfelt thank you for preserving our beautiful natural resources and helping to grow our economy.



The fourth straw

To the editor:

Congratulations to the Southern Nevada Water Authority for its accomplishment with the third-straw intake at Lake Mead (“Tunnel milestone triggers applause,” Dec. 11 Review-Journal). While celebrating that fact, workers claimed the job was done with precision and foresight.

However, I have a simple question: At the rate this community uses water, where will the authority drill the fourth straw? Better get that foresight working again, now that we have the precision down pat.



Release the records

To the editor:

In Washington, D.C., we have Barack Obama, the imperial president. Now in Clark County, we have the imperial District Attorney in Steve Wolfson (“Review-Journal suing to gain access to DA records,” Dec. 17 Review-Journal). Mr. Wolfson has engaged in a continuing campaign to hinder the media, specifically the Review-Journal, from carrying out its duty to report news. The district attorney’s office’s decade-long practice of paying witnesses’ rent using an off-budget checking account (taxpayers’ money) is reprehensible.

Further, Mr. Wolfson’s office’s failure to provide this information to defense lawyers and to the public in criminal cases raises questions about fair trials and the integrity of the Clark County criminal justice system. Therefore, the Review-Journal rightfully filed a lawsuit against the district attorney’s office to gain access to public records in its ongoing investigation into the secretive witness payment program.

Shame on Mr. Wolfson for the black eye he’s giving Clark County and our justice system. I contend this lack of transparency is because he’s hiding something he doesn’t want the public — we, the taxpaying people — to know. No one is above the law, including the district attorney. The media has constitutional rights of access to public documents and records. If Mr. Wolfson refuses to obey the law, he should immediately resign or be ousted from office.



Out with Amodei

To the editor:

Once again, Rep. Mark Amodei betrayed his constituents in Nevada Congressional District 2 when he voted yes to fund 5 million undocumented immigrants (“Congress votes to avoid government shutdown,” Dec. 14 Review-Journal). And once again, our RINO (Republican in name only) swore to uphold the Constitution, yet defied it and voted with President Barack Obama’s globalist, socialist agenda.

Eighteen million Americans are out of work and losing their homes as the U.S. attains the status of a third-world country. Our college graduates cannot find employment, and many retirees are barely paying the bills while supporting and housing adult children who can no longer earn a decent income. American voters recently came out against President Obama’s policies by ousting the Democrats in office. The Republicans in the House hold the purse strings, yet disgracefully voted to support the president.

The rule of law is decimated. The president, acting like a king, has usurped Congress’ power to make the laws. Rather than hold President Obama accountable for his unconstitutional legalization of undocumented immigrants, the House, with Rep. Amodei’s blessing, handed the president the power to make law, thus encouraging more undocumented immigrants to deplete our resources.

What about the American people? Who will look after them? Well, we know that Rep. Amodei will be looking out for the undocumented immigrants, and if he is not removed from office, then we will only see more of our taxes and hard-earned benefits squandered. We the people must fight to reinstate our Constitution and force Rep. Amodei and others like him out of office.

Every Nevadan citizen should hold him accountable for his vote to fund illegal amnesty, destroying the Constitution by not defunding Obama’s war on Americans. Call or write Rep. Amodei and insist he do his job and uphold the law.



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