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LETTERS: Don’t write off Warren’s presidential chances

To the editor:

GOP political strategists who are certain their party’s presidential nominee will face Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election need to think again. Ask the left-liberal progressives active in Democratic Party politics who they would like as their nominee and their most likely response would be U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

Sen. Warren attacked congressional Democrats who voted for the recently-approved continuing resolution/omnibus bill because it helped Wall Street bankers. She’ll use that issue again to bludgeon Mrs. Clinton in the 2016 primaries. Also expect her to whack Mrs. Clinton for backing President Barack Obama’s use of drones to zap al-Qaida and ISIS terrorists.

In addition, Sen. Warren likely will go after Obamacare. It is still hugely unpopular with most American voters — and among progressive Democrats, who want to replace the Affordable Care Act with “single payer” universal health coverage (European-style socialized medicine). Liberal activists, who provide the brains, money and volunteers that power Democratic presidential campaigns, love Sen. Warren and the red meat she throws out to them on a regular basis. She will give them all they want in the months ahead as she pursues the nomination.

After she is crowned, we could easily paraphrase a rhyme that immortalized another Massachusetts icon, Lizzie Borden of Fall River, to describe the tactics Sen. Warren used in her successful campaign for her party’s presidential nomination. To wit: Lizzie Warren took an ax and gave Mrs. Clinton 40 whacks. When she saw what she had done, she gave Obama 41.



Credit where it’s due

To the editor:

I completely disagree with the views of Peter Sams, whose letter was published in the Dec. 23 Review-Journal. Without question, presidents are credited with the success or failure of whatever occurs during their term(s). Conservatives can’t pick and choose. Just as George W. Bush will for eternity be credited with starting and losing the war in Afghanistan, creating the biggest blunder in modern American history (the Iraq war), ruining the world’s economy, allowing 9/11 to happen, killing U.S. job and housing markets, etc., President Barack Obama is to be credited for rescuing our economy, creating massive job growth, overseeing the record Dow and S&P indexes, improving our health care, killing Osama bin Laden, resuscitating planet Earth and so much more. Thank you, Mr. Obama!



Left-wing comics

To the editor:

In Robert J. McKee’s Dec. 29 letter to the editor, he found Mark R. Craven’s letter to be hypocritical. I have a suggestion for Mr. McKee: If you don’t like the Mallard Fillmore comic, don’t read it.

As I recall, the Las Vegas Sun did not have enough subscribers to support itself so the “conservative” Review-Journal picked up the pieces and included the left-wing news in its paper. I consider that insert to be one big comic strip, and I can choose to read the funnies or not.



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