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LETTERS: Better ways to raise minimum wage

To the editor:

With regard to a Republican proposal to raise Nevada’s minimum wage to $9 an hour, Democratic state Sen. Tick Segerblom says, “The devil is in the details.” (“GOP pushes increase to wage,” March 25 Review-Journal). So he has his own bill, proposing a $15 minimum wage.

The move by the Legislature to raise the minimum wage is justified, but not to $15 per hour. Unfortunately, there are criteria that never make it into these minimum wage proposals or laws, no matter what hourly wage is being considered. Too many legislative fights seem to arise over the size of the hourly wage adjustment. Eventually these will be resolved.

What won’t be resolved is the next minimum wage increase, at least not until the current wage is unsustainably low. In addition to raising the minimum wage, lawmakers need to do several things. Once a new minimum wage is established, it should be adjusted automatically by the consumer price index. If this were in effect today, the minimum wage for those working less than 31 hours per week would have seen an annual increase of 1.7 percent. This would also put pressure on employers to increase wages for all of their employees — not just those earning a minimum wage.

As to the issue of employers who keep their employees working 30 or fewer hours per week to avoid the Affordable Care Act coverage mandate, the solution is simple: Change the law and require the employer to aggregate annually the total hours worked by all employees, then divide that number by 31. This would determine the minimum number of employees who must have health care coverage during that calendar year.



Islamic cemetery

To the editor:

It seems to me that the will of the majority has been suspended again (“County OKs Islamic cemetery despite neighbors’ objections,” March 19 Review-Journal). I read the article carefully and found no mention of anyone in the entire neighborhood willing to have this cemetery built.

Rather, the majority of the people did not want the cemetery built. What Osama Haikal seeks is to impose Islamic wants, despite the opposition of American people. Now in rides Clark County Commission Chairman Steve Sisolak, who says that regardless of the neighbors’ feelings, the cemetery will be built. How can this be justice? What has happened to majority rule?

First we have President Barack Obama acting more like an emperor by disregarding our Constitution, and then we have illustrious Mayor Carolyn Goodman trying to buck popular opinion by seeking to ram a stadium down our throats. Now we have Commissioner Sisolak trying to tell us we have to allow this cemetery.

Personally, I refuse to let the mayor, the commissioner or Mr. Haikal rob me of my rights as an American citizen not to want something. I will not be voting for Mayor Goodman this election or for Commissioner Sisolak the next time I see his name on the ballot.



Death with dignity

To the editor:

I’m surprised and disappointed that I have not heard nor seen more favorable (or even any) comments concerning doctor-approved medically assisted suicide and death with dignity. Nevada residents who suffer from terminally-ill conditions and/or unbearable pain should have that option.

The Canadian Supreme Court recently and unanimously ruled in favor of death with dignity. Also, despite a close bipartisan vote last month by the Colorado legislature last month to reject such a measure, a Talmey-Drake Research poll showed 68 percent of voters favored the bill. Come on, Nevadans. Let’s hear your support for death with dignity.



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