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LETTER: Sebelius right about judge; what about Obama?

To the editor:

In his Oct. 10 column, Steve Sebelius took U.S. District Judge Robert Jones to task on his decision to recuse himself from the case on gay marriage, rather than issue an injunction mandated by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (“If you can’t do the job in good conscience, quit,” Oct. 10 Review-Journal). Mr. Sebelius wrote, “If pang of conscience prevents him from living up to that oath, or carrying out the duties imposed on him by law, the proper remedy isn’t to simply slink away on one case. It’s to resign.”

Mr. Sebelius is absolutely correct. A public official who cannot or will not perform his duties under the law should resign.

So, I was somewhat confused that when Mr. Sebelius noted that President Barack Obama decided to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act, he did not call on the president to resign. Presidents swear to faithfully execute the duties of the office, and that would include enforcing all duly enacted federal laws.

It would seem that Mr. Sebelius is selective in his outrage. If he disagrees with a law or ruling, then it is OK for a public official to deviate from his pledge of office. But if he agrees with a law or ruling, then an official must comply with his oath of office or resign. No doubt Mr. Sebelius likes to have his cake and eat it, too.



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