It’s possible to close the achievement gap in education. It doesn’t require more money but more competition.
Allowing the government to do an end-run around the Bill of Rights is anathema to a free and healthy democratic republic.
James Carville once famously said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Something similar sums up why successful California business leaders keep coming to Nevada. It’s the business climate, stupid.
The Nobel Prize in Economics to those who understand the answer.
U.S. officials sent a missive to their Israeli counterparts demanding that the Jewish state ensure an increased flow of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip within the next month or risk losing military aid
Washington is awash in free flowing red ink. The deficit has soared nearly $8 trillion under the current president and now approaches an unfathomable $36 trillion.
Even a double-digit jump in revenues isn’t enough to stem the red ink.
Although many voters are dissatisfied with their choices for president, the policy results of Donald Trump’s years in office are too strong to ignore.
Question 2 would remove words in the state constitution that have fallen out of favor and replace them with more socially acceptable descriptors.
The Nevada constitution currently permits slavery and involuntary servitude as a criminal punishment.
City of Henderson Question Number 1 would impose a property tax increase of $.06 per $100 of assessed valuation.
The library board wants a property tax hike of $.02 per $100 of assessed valuation.
Most people probably can’t name who represents them in the Assembly. But these low-profile races are highly important for Nevada’s future.
Most people probably can’t name who represents them in the Assembly. But these low-profile races are highly important for Nevada’s future.