The firm currently has only seven employees. Nonetheless, the recent decision of Walls 360 — a graphic arts firm that licenses images from children’s books and video games to make life-size wall art — to relocate from San Francisco to Las Vegas is welcome news to a city that’s struggled with both its image and the financial effects of the Great Recession for more than three years.
The country — and particularly Southern Nevada — remains crippled by a housing bubble that burst with fantastic force around 2007.
Rarely does a seasoned politician so succinctly lay bare his party’s true agenda. But that’s precisely what Majority Leader Harry Reid did Wednesday when he took to the Senate floor to utter this doozy: “It’s very clear that private-sector jobs have been doing just fine. It’s the public-sector jobs where we’ve lost huge numbers, and that’s what this legislation is all about.”
Those rabble-rousers up in Elko are at it again, causing more headaches for federal land managers.
Two key U.S. senators last week endorsed extending a federal pay freeze for a third year. It’s the least that should be done, given the nation’s fiscal realities.
Racecar drivers and fans are drawn to the dangers and risks of the sport, which pushes human and mechanical performance to almost incomprehensible limits.