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EDITORIAL: Commission should again vote down More Cops tax

Another proposal to increase the sales tax rate and boost the budgets of Southern Nevada police departments will go before the Clark County Commission on Tuesday. It’s as unworthy of approval as its predecessors.

EDITORIAL: Uncle Sam, land baron

Include new Interior Secretary Sally Jewell among those who want President Barack Obama to bypass Congress whenever it suits his administration.

EDITORIAL: Making public-sector pension benefits public

The Nevada Supreme Court made it clear: The pension benefits of retired government workers are public records. The court’s unanimous ruling Thursday effectively ends decades of wrongful secrecy at the Public Employees Retirement System and finally makes it possible for taxpayers to learn just how much they’re paying the people who no longer work for them.

EDITORIAL: Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon boosts economy, charity

Six years ago, almost no one would have suggested that the Las Vegas Marathon could become a top special event and a major tourism driver. The run had chronically low participation and could barely pay its bills. It was at risk of disappearing completely.

EDITORIAL: Obamacare woes beg for repeal

We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s going to get worse before it gets better.” In the case of the Affordable Care Act, it’s going to get worse before it gets worse still. Millions of people are learning they can’t keep their current individual plans, tens of millions more could be in the same boat at this time next year when the law’s employer mandate kicks in, and hardly anyone is buying expensive Obamacare-compliant policies.

EDITORIAL: The higher the minimum wage, the fewer opportunities for youth

Congressional Democrats, with the support of President Barack Obama, are preparing their latest assault on opportunity: legislation to gradually increase the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 per hour, then tie the figure to inflation.

EDITORIAL: AP probe shows ethanol’s harmful effects on environment, economy

The mandated blending of corn-based ethanol with American fuels was supposed to be good for the environment. But as a report released Tuesday by The Associated Press shows, the only things made greener by the federal requirement were the bank accounts of the ethanol industry and farmers.

EDITORIAL: State’s taxpayers can’t afford expensive PERS

Nevada’s public employee pension fund is well-managed and actuarially sound when compared against those of other states, according to an independent review of the plan requested by Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval.

EDITORIAL: UMC governance

Will University Medical Center be overseen by a governing board or merely an advisory board?

EDITORIAL: The importance of anonymous political speech

Where would this country be without its tradition of anonymous political speech? Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay published “The Federalist Papers” under the name Publius to force critics of the Constitution to attack the ideas behind the document rather than the authors of the essays. The ideas won.

EDITORIAL: Reform unaccountable Veterans Affairs

Today is Veterans Day in the United States, a holiday to thank our living veterans, who bravely took on the job of defending freedoms we sometimes take for granted. There are about 22 million veterans in America today, one for every 14 residents, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find somebody to offer a handshake.

EDITORIAL: UNLV medical school plans take shape

Less than a year ago, the idea of opening a UNLV medical school was a political nonstarter. Today, an agreement to create one is in writing.

NV Energy deal

As recently as a week ago, the purchase of NV Energy by Warren Buffett’s MidAmerican Energy Holdings was looking like a very bad deal for the utility’s customers. On Friday, ratepayers received word that the acquisition was taking shape under far more favorable terms.

EDITORIAL: News racks avoid setback

Too often, elected officials have their minds made up about a particular issue before they get a chance to vote on it. And the work government staff puts into recommending and drafting a bill or ordinance can create a climate that favors approval regardless of the public’s concerns.

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