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EDITORIAL: Nevada turns 150

The new year brings with it a milestone moment in Nevada: 150 years since joining the union as the 36th state, on Oct. 31, 1864. The Review-Journal has been celebrating since Nevada Day 2013, on Oct. 25, when it launched a yearlong project in the run-up to the official sesquicentennial anniversary of Nevada Day 2014, on Oct. 31 — exactly 150 years to the day marking Nevada’s statehood.

Review-Journal reporters, photographers, designers and editors have already produced dozens of fascinating stories, photo collages and videos marking some of Nevada’s great historic moments, which you can catch up on at our special web section, “Nevada 150th: Celebrating the Silver State,” at www.reviewjournal.com/nevada-150. Bookmark that page, as there will be a gold mine of intriguing content to come, about all things Nevada.

But don’t stop with just taking in the website offerings. Perhaps more than anything else, Nevada’s sesquicentennial highlights all the great things to see and do in the Silver State. From gold towns to ghost towns to the history of gambling and the explosion of Las Vegas over the last 50 years, and to the beautiful, diverse array of scenery offered in all points of this state, Nevada merits exploration. Get out and join the party.

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