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Downtown woes? Remember the locals

To the editor:

Every day, we pick up the paper and see some story about Fremont Street and Neonopolis losing money. Wake up, people.

Ten years ago, you could go downtown and play the numerous full-pay poker machines and the good-paying slots. You could go have a good meal at a good price and enjoy the wonderful talent that was performing there. Now the good machines are gone, the cost of food has gone up while the quality has gone down, and the shows on Fremont Street cannot be justified.

Everything that the locals went there for is gone — and so are the locals. Does it take a rocket scientist to figure out that Fremont Street needs the locals because the Strip hotels do not want the tourists going there?

If they bring back the locals, the tourists will follow.

Bob Kay


On fire

To the editor:

The recent coverage of wildfires raging in numerous states, and the fact that fires are expected here in Nevada, is alarming. What we can do?

Carson City came up with an amusing plan to “hire” goats to rid an area of non-native plants in order to prevent wildfires.

But when looking at the causes of wildfires, Smokey the Bear informs us that nine out of 10 are caused by humans. This demonstrates the need for designated wilderness areas that preserve vast land chunks and include few roads and developments, thus resulting in less irresponsible human activity.

Let’s face it, the more roads and homes we have in the back country, the less room for wildlife that exists and the greater danger of reckless fire practices.

If a wildfire does erupt in wilderness, there is less chance of human harm or property damage, and firefighters can gain full authorization to use any mechanical equipment needed, depending on the risk to humans involved.

Once again, wilderness is a good land practice for humans and wildlife.

Debora Tsakalos


Government cheese

To the editor:

With all the Democratic presidential candidates proposing national health care solutions, why is no one connecting the dots with your recent Associated Press story on cuts to Medicare reimbursements? If you want an idea of how single-payer, government-run health care would turn out, just look to Medicare or Medicaid. Complete failures.

If the government can’t cost effectively manage health care for a defined portion of the population — those over 65 and the poor — why would anyone expect they could do it for the entire population?



Park place

To the editor:

After reading the editorial “Saturday in the park” — on a proposed city ordinance designed to stop loitering near playgrounds in the name of protecting children — I had to reflect on how times have changed in the past 50 years.

Back then, parents were held responsible for the welfare of their children and they accepted that responsibility. I would love to hear a government entity or even one politician or bureaucrat make a stand and put parents on notice that they are responsible for their children, not the government, and if they shirk that responsibility they will be punished.

If people like city bureaucrat Karen Coyne had their way, they would want a law mandating that a father be allowed only supervised visits with the child, as every father is a potential pedophile.



Last minute

To the editor:

Regarding the June 9 article, “Tougher passport restrictions loom”: The government and the general public are to blame for the present situation.

The government is guilty of vacillation and confusing the public by constantly changing the deadlines and suggesting various pass cards and/or alternatives to an actual passport, having acquiesced to the cries of various tourist boards and the public’s whining over the cost of a passport.

The public is guilty of procrastination. We were warned shortly after 9/11 that a passport would eventually be necessary for all foreign travel and that a deadline for acquisition was looming. In other words, everyone was forewarned in plenty of time to apply.

I can’t think of any other country that requires multiple documents of its citizens in order to travel abroad. One document for all, the passport, is the simplest solution. For those who waited until the 11th hour to apply, as the saying goes, “Suck it up” and blame yourself for procrastinating.

Norman Nero


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