A justifiable taking
December 8, 2007 - 10:00 pm
Local transportation planners see North Fifth Street in North Las Vegas as a future major corridor for north-south traffic in the area. They plan to embark upon a $250 million project to widen the road from Owens Avenue north to the Las Vegas Beltway.
When finished, the seven-mile stretch of road should provide an alternative to Interstate 15 and U.S. Highway 95 in the northern valley and feature up to eight lanes, landscaped sidewalks and an express bus lane.
The project will require the condemnation of at least four homes near the 1900 block of North Fifth. And at least one of the four property owners, Crescencio Perez — who has lived in his home since moving here 11 years ago — doesn’t want to leave.
So on Thursday, the North Las Vegas City Council voted 4-1 to move forward with eminent domain proceedings on the four homes.
Observers of local government know plenty about the abuses of eminent domain that were common in Southern Nevada little more than a decade ago. Under the guise of redevelopment, for instance, the city of Las Vegas in the 1990s sometimes condemned private property so it could turn the land over to more powerful private interests.
But the North Las Vegas council’s actions on Fifth Street aren’t comparable.
Eminent domain is properly used to take land for some public purpose — such as the much-need expansion of a roadway. That’s what North Las Vegas is doing.
Mr. Perez and the other affected property owners deserve to be treated fairly. Mr. Perez says officials lowballed their initial offer for his land, although they’ve come up in price recently. It is certainly his right to demand a trial to determine a just compensation for the taking.
But it would be in everybody’s best interest to reach a deal and avoid a costly court battle that could delay the project.
The North Las Vegas City Council did what it had to do on Thursday. Let’s hope, however, this matter can be resolved soon to the satisfaction of all involved.