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Bar owners: Smoking changes paid off

An airtight, soundproof glass wall wraps around the bar at the Four Kegs sports bar in Las Vegas, separating smoking drinkers from dining patrons.

Impact Nevada: Analyzing 2011 Legislature

The Impact Nevada TV program for this weekend examines some of the final votes in the 2011 Legislature session, which ended Tuesday. (9:30 p.m., Ch. 10).

Animal cruelty, gambling, wildlife bills become law

Cooney’s bill became Cooney’s Law on Friday when Gov. Brian Sandoval signed into law legislation that makes it a felony to unjustifiably mutilate, torture, maim or kill animals.

Sandoval to leave redistricting decision to the courts

CARSON CITY — Gov. Brian Sandoval announced Thursday he will not call the Legislature back into a special session to deal with the thorny and unresolved issue of redistricting.

Measure advances push to leave Tahoe compact

CARSON CITY — Nevada lawmakers have a message for California: The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has to change its ways or the Silver State may withdraw from the 1969 compact.

In case you missed it