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Nevada legislators urged to restart cloud seeding amid drought

Water experts and lawmakers on Thursday urged a Senate committee to restore funding for Nevada’s cloud seeding program to help squeeze as much moisture out of the sky as possible, should Mother Nature bring storms into the Silver State next winter.

Gun background bill clears Senate, moves to Assembly

The Nevada Senate unanimously approved a bill Thursday that would make background checks on private gun sales voluntary and available free of charge.

Bill to better tax out-of-state retailers advances

A measure intended to capture more sales tax in Nevada from out-of-state retailers was approved by a Senate committee Thursday.

Bill to boost maximum speed limit to 80 mph advances

The Nevada Senate on Thursday approved a bill that would raise the speed limit to 80 mph on some freeways and highways if the Department of Transportation deems it is safe.

Nevadans debate bill that seeks vaping controls

Use of electronic cigarettes would be subject to the same restrictions in Nevada as tobacco smoking under a bill heard Wednesday by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Public lands takeover bill draws Bundy crowd but is doomed

Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy and about 100 supporters of a bill challenging federal control of Nevada public lands descended on the capital Wednesday to support the measure but it will all be for naught.

Organ donor cleanup bill heads to Nevada Senate floor

A bill designed to increase the number of organ donors in Nevada was passed Tuesday by a Nevada Senate committee and was on its way to the Senate floor.

Conservative Nevada lawmakers pitch alternate budget

A group of conservative Nevada lawmakers Monday proposed an alternative to Gov. Sandoval’s $7.3 billion general fund budget that they say will fund the governor’s priorities without raising taxes.

Heck tells lawmakers he’s working on Nevada’s doctor shortage

U.S. Rep. Joe Heck told Nevada lawmakers Monday that graduate medical school education, career and technical education, unmanned aerial systems and increased international travel were the focus of his efforts in Congress to boost Nevada’s economy and strengthen national security.

Nevada lawmakers debate PERS bills

Bills seeking modest changes to the state public employees retirement system to reduce the cost of pension benefits for new hires were debated at length Monday in a legislative hearing.

Proposed bill would limit federal land control

The ongoing debate over federal control of lands in Nevada will heat up again this week with a hearing on a bill proposed by Assemblywoman Michele Fiore that would prohibit the federal government from owning or managing any lands that it has not acquired with the consent of the Legislature.

In case you missed it