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Couple helps county set milestone for same-sex marriage licenses

Jennifer Dickerson’s divorce from her husband was finalized Thursday. A day later, Dickerson, 37, and fiancee Amanda Falzone, 34, became the 10,000th same-sex couple to obtain a marriage license in Clark County.

Trump begins process to ‘minimize the burden’ of Obamacare

President Donald Trump has signed his first executive order as president, ordering federal agencies to ease the burden of President Barack Obama’s sweeping health care law.

Trump to American people: ‘This moment is your moment’

President Donald J. Trump declared war on Washington as he delivered his inaugural address Friday on the steps of America’s Capitol.

White House website changes to reflect new president’s top issues

When the Trump White House website went up moments after the new president’s inauguration, the list of “top issues” it contained had a notable absence: no mention of his pledge to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

Nevada man who saw McCarran die in office says statue should remain in US Capitol

William Pyatt was 14 back in 1954 he sat with his mother in the jam-packed Civic Center in Hawthorne to hear then U.S. Sen. Pat McCarran speak. Moments after his remarks, the lawmaker walked down the stairs from the front of the stage and collapsed on the main floor.