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Trump explains Sweden terror comment, says it referred to TV news report

Swedes have been scratching their heads and ridiculing President Donald Trump’s remarks that suggested a major incident had happened in the Scandinavian country. The American president now says he was referring to something he saw on television.

U.S. rushes to add laser-armed drones to missile defense network

The U.S. Missile Defense Agency says it already has conducted tests of a “directed-energy airborne laser” fired from a military drone that would be capable of zapping rockets almost as soon as they are launched.

Pence pledges strong commitment to EU

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence moved Monday to assuage European Union fears about the strength of Washington’s support for the union and its commitment to European security through the NATO military alliance.

Revised travel ban targets same seven countries

WASHINGTON — A draft of President Donald Trump’s revised immigration ban targets the same seven countries listed in his original executive order and exempts travelers who already have a visa to travel to the U.S., even if they haven’t used it yet.

Native Americans hoping Trump’s ‘America first’ helps first Americans

Native Americans hope President Donald Trump doesn’t forget America’s first inhabitants as he promises to put “America first.” Tribes have been reaching out to the Republican administration since it took office last month, saying they’re ready to help it meet its campaign promises of improving the economy and creating more jobs for Americans.

Another minimum wage fight set to kick off third week of Nevada Legislature

The issue of increasing the minimum wage saw a spirited debate in the Nevada Legislature last week, and it will be front and center again as lawmakers enter week three of the 2017 session. Lawmakers are not taking Presidents Day off.

Nevada lawmakers want solar industry back on track

Nevada’s burgeoning rooftop solar industry crashed and burned last year after new rates for net metering were approved that did away with financial incentives for the green energy investment. Now several state lawmakers want to get the industry back on track and growing again.

Was Trump’s national security adviser the first casualty of ‘fake news’?

Gen. Mike Flynn provided the first scalp in the Trump administration in record time – he served as White House National Security Adviser for 23 fleeting days before he resigned Monday night. In the eyes of President Donald Trump, Flynn could be his team’s first casualty of “fake news.”