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Drones could be subject to impound in Nevada

Law enforcement could seize a private drone found crashed, grounded, disabled or abandoned and impound it under procedures similar to those for abandoned vehicles.

Kremlin staying out of Trump wiretap fray: It’s a US domestic matter

Claims by President Donald Trump that his phones were wiretapped by his predecessor, Barack Obama, during the 2016 election campaign are a purely domestic matter for the United States, the spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday.

Trump signs do-over on travel ban

Second executive order limiting travel from six mostly Muslim countries addresses issues that led court to block first one, but critics aren’t persuaded.

Familiar issues part of busy fifth week in Nevada Legislature

It is going to be déjà vu all over again when the Legislature begins Week 5 on Monday, with new hearings scheduled on a DMV-based voter registration petition and another on the Equal Rights Amendment.

North Las Vegas mayor seeks revision to way cities tap restricted funds

Mayor John Lee will travel Monday to Carson City to testify in support of Senate Bill 78, which would create an alternative mode for North Las Vegas and other cash-strapped cities to stop tapping into restricted funds as a way to pay for daily operations.