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Search and seizure of drones debated in Nevada Legislature

Constitutional and privacy concerns were raised Thursday with a bill that would allow law enforcement officers to seize and search crashed or abandoned unmanned aerial vehicles.

Law to mandate double-sided printing could save Nevada $1M a year

Assemblywoman Heidi Swank wants to save the state money and protect the environment by requiring government agencies to use both sides of a piece of paper when printing documents.

Fed judge in Maryland blocks revised travel ban

A federal judge in Greenbelt, Maryland, has blocked President Donald Trump’s revised travel ban targeting six predominantly Muslim countries.

Trump budget proposal revives Yucca Mountain spending

The Trump budget proposal would boost Energy Department spending on managing the nation’s nuclear stockpile and reviving the Yucca Mountain storage facility in Nevada.

Trump’s first budget boosts military, makes major cuts elsewhere

President Donald Trump is unveiling a $1.15 trillion budget, a far-reaching overhaul of federal government spending that slashes a dozen departments to finance a significant increase in the military and make a down payment on a U.S.-Mexico border wall.

Trump travel ban blocked by federal judge in Hawaii

For the second time, a federal court on Wednesday blocked President Donald Trump’s efforts to freeze immigration by refugees and citizens of some predominantly Muslim nations.