The city-drawn enforcement border has raised questions about whether it will merely shift the crisis to other parts of town.
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As it mulls relocating its main offices from Henderson, Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada weighs building a four-story medical facility in Symphony Park.
The Las Vegas City Council on Wednesday adopted a controversial proposal that bans people from camping and sleeping in public areas in downtown Las Vegas, and in residential areas throughout the city, if there are beds free at established homeless shelters.
The Las Vegas City Council has approved a plan to facilitate the sale of the Huntridge Theater, raising hopes that the historic structure will be refurbished and reopened.
The bill goes into effect Sunday, and the criminal component will be enforced starting Feb. 1.
As the City Council prepares to debate a proposed ordinance banning camping in public spaces, overwhelmed center for homeless services emerges as bone of contention.
Under the proposed project, the central business office in Henderson would be closed in favor of an expanded four-story facility in Symphony Park.
The city’s Courtyard Homeless Resource Center was packed overnight, with about 200 people huddling for warmth to fend off near-freezing temperatures.
The Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority Board of Directors approved installing ShotSpotter technology at public and affordable housing properties.
“We’d like to remind the public that our city jail is for misdemeanors only,” the city said in a tweet announcing the decision.
City officials will address homelessness and public safety, among other things, at a three-hour community forum in Ward 5 on Thursday.
The city of Las Vegas could make it a misdemeanor to camp or sleep in public if there are beds available at local homeless shelters.
The sales tax money will be diverted in part to provide an incentive to developer Fisher Brothers.
Certain parking tickets can be paid with food donations after the Las Vegas City Council approved the program Wednesday.
The cities of Las Vegas and North Las Vegas will prosecute misdemeanor domestic violence cases without requiring convicted defendants to give up their firearms.