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Adviser Guilfoyle leads Las Vegas ‘bachelorette party’ for Trump

Kimberly Guilfoyle, a senior adviser for President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign, addressed a Las Vegas training session for the campaign’s Nevada arm on Thursday night, where she rallied a crowd of mostly women with a speech focused on Trump’s accomplishments and challenging the patriotism of his Democratic opponents.

“There is no president in our lifetime that has done more to advance the rights of women than this president,” the former Fox News host said near the end of her remarks at the Bootlegger Italian Bistro’s Copa Room. The venue is owned by former Lt. Gov. Lorraine Hunt-Bono, who was among several local Republican leaders to welcome Guilfoyle to the stage. Others included Nevada GOP Chairman Michael McDonald and Las Vegas City Councilwoman Victoria Seaman.

Guilfoyle’s remarks were met with cheers and laughter as she peppered jokes onto campaign talking points. She began her speech by saying that such a large gathering of women in Las Vegas made her think bachelorette party.

“We’re about to have a bachelorette party for Trump,” she said.

Guilfoyle eventually reached the campaign’s key early focus: the state of the economy. Under Trump, she said, the country has seen rapid economic growth as well as safer and more secure borders.

“President Trump isn’t trying to just, like, run up the score,” she said. “Although he is, right?”

“Yes,” several audience members responded. “That’s OK!” another woman in the audience shouted.

“Exactly,” Guilfoyle responded. “We don’t mind that. We’re not about participation trophies are we here in Las Vegas?”

After some applause, she continued, “What President Trump is doing is having an immediate, positive, powerful impact on the lives of millions of Americans.”

Guilfoyle said the news media and Democrats don’t think it is possible for women to support the president, then cited the room as evidence they could. She said many on the left suffer from “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” which compels them to oppose everything the president does “no matter how unreasonable that is.”

“They are running to fundamentally alter what it means to be an American,” Guilfoyle said.

She cautioned that things “could easily go the wrong way,” saying that the sprawling Democratic presidential field “is angry, bitter, hates Trump and hates patriotic Americans like all of us in this room.”

“Nothing melts these snowflake socialist Democrats faster than a strong, smart, empowered woman who clings to her Bible and her gun and her convictions,” Guilfoyle said to rousing applause.

She asked the crowd to join the campaign as volunteers and work to “activate their friends” with them.

Contact Rory Appleton at rappleton@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0276. Follow @RoryDoesPhonics on Twitter.

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