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Road Warrior

Contact Mick Akers at makers@reviewjournal.com or 702-387-2920. Follow @mickakers on Twitter.

Transition to flashing yellow arrows takes patience

Long ago, there were no traffic lights at all. Soon, they appeared. Eventually, green left turn arrows arrived, which is probably when road rage emerged. These lights were great, except they made you wait when no one at all was coming in the other direction.

Groundwater problem in Henderson? Believe it

Life is really a series of problems. You woke up late and barely have enough time to get to work? Skip breakfast. Your car is broken and you can’t afford a repairman until payday? Take the bus.

Wild animals like Arizona’s bridges to nowhere

Today, I’ll solve a mystery, shoot down a good idea and, if you stick around for the end, explain how smart people sometimes do dumb things.

Drivers see red over getting stuck at intersections

Sam wrote in with a question about a fast-developing area out in Henderson: “Can you find out why there is no dedicated right turn lane at the southwest corner of Via Inspirada and Volunteer Boulevard?

Got a beef? Send it here because complaining works

This reader didn’t leave a name, but sent in a good complaint. Bravo. “The road surface in the braking zone on Wigwam at Pecos (both west and east bound lanes) is so rough that I drive out of my way to avoid it,” the reader wrote in an email.

Potholes come and go, but irritating signs remain

The upsetting reality is that we have very little control over what happens out there on the roads. Much relies on drivers of the other 1.3 million vehicles the DMV says are registered in Clark County.

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