Young people need Project 150 to keep on truckin’
February 7, 2017 - 6:34 am

The Project 150 delivery truck is hardly hanging in there outside of the organization in Las Vegas, Feb. 6, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies, and the truck used to do deliveries is due to retire. (Elizabeth Brumley/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @EliPagePhoto

Items on display inside Betty's Boutique, run by Project 150, in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

The Project 150 delivery truck is hardly hanging in there outside of the organization in Las Vegas, Feb. 6, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies, and the truck used to do deliveries is due to retire. (Elizabeth Brumley/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @EliPagePhoto

The Project 150 delivery truck is hardly hanging in there outside of the organization in Las Vegas, Feb. 6, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies, and the truck used to do deliveries is due to retire. (Elizabeth Brumley/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @EliPagePhoto

, Las Vegas, Feb. 6, 2017. (Elizabeth Brumley/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @EliPagePhoto

Project 150 Executive Director Meli Pulido at the organization's location at 3600 N. Rancho Drive in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

A young volunteer helps organize items at Project 150 in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

Donated items ready to be sent out to Pahrump at Project 150 in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

Donated items at Project 150 in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

Project 150 Executive Director Meli Pulido, left, and Dave Levesque at the organization's location at 3600 N. Rancho Drive in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

Volunteer Dave Levesque, who recently retired, at Project 150, in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

Ties on display inside Betty's Boutique, run by Project 150, in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

Items on display inside Betty's Boutique, run by Project 150, in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

A student looks through shirts inside Betty's Boutique, run by Project 150, in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

A student shops inside Betty's Boutique, run by Project 150, in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

Items on display inside Betty's Boutique, run by Project 150, in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

Shoes on display inside Betty's Boutique, run by Project 150, in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

Parents and students line up with items, including suitcases, often used to help families with storage, inside Betty's Boutique, run by Project 150, in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

Heels on display inside Betty's Boutique, run by Project 150, in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

Blazers and blouses available inside Betty's Boutique, run by Project 150, in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

A mother helps her daughter, not pictured, shop inside Betty's Boutique, run by Project 150, in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

Accessories available inside Betty's Boutique, run by Project 150, in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

Accessories available inside Betty's Boutique, run by Project 150, in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

Project 150 Executive Director Meli Pulido inside Betty's Boutique, run by Project 150, in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. The organization provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

Project 150 Executive Director Meli Pulido inside Betty's Boutique, run by Project 150, in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. The organization provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

Project 150 Executive Director Meli Pulido at the organization's location at 3600 N. Rancho Drive in Las Vegas on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017. Project 150 provides local high school students in need with clothes, food and supplies. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto
Sitting behind a warehouse on North Rancho Drive, the 10-year-old Isuzu box truck is clean and doesn’t look much the worse for wear.
But it’s a workhorse. And it’s getting tired.
It carries the logo for Project 150, a nonprofit begun five years ago in Las Vegas by two businessmen who were shocked by news stories about high school students who lacked resources most people consider basic.
Last year, the truck picked up and delivered $1.3 million worth of food, clothes, hygiene products and school supplies for homeless and needy teens. Now the organization’s sole truck, which was used to begin with, is pushing 200,000 miles.
The 18-footer, which deliveries food to 51 high schools weekly, overheats frequently. The hydraulic lift is failing and too small for the pallets the food products come in on, making it difficult and dangerous for loading and unloading.
“It’s becoming a real problem,” said Meli Pulido, Project 150’s executive director.
Maintenance problems can mean pickups and deliveries of donations are delayed.
If we see the wisdom in the Frederick Douglass aphorism that hangs on a sign high in the Project 150 warehouse entrance — “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men” — we might think about how to ensure Project 150 gets a new, or newer, truck.
It was that kind of thinking that first got friends Don Purdue, now a project vice president with The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, and Patrick Spargur, a credit professional, reaching out to 150 homeless Rancho High School students in 2011.
News reports told of how students needed support during Christmas break. After the two men helped them with clothes, food, graduation gowns, prom wear, school supplies and hygiene products, they realized that the problems many high school students faced existed valleywide.
“The Great Recession broke up a lot of families,” Spargur said.
Today, about 2,500 Las Vegas Valley high school students are homeless, defined in Nevada as having no permanent residence. Many students “couch surf,” sleeping with different family members and friends at night.
Individuals, families, businesses and civic groups make donations to help them.
I talked to four students helped by the nonprofit with food, clothes, scholarships and funds for caps and gowns and college applications.
”Project 150 kept me in school,” one student said. “I’ve been couch surfing, and I was able to get decent clothes through them. I went to prom because of them. Their hygiene products helped me not smell so bad in class.”
In 2015 the Englestadt Foundation bought the building that now serves as the warehouse for donations.
Hundreds of volunteers from churches, scouting and civic groups and businesses now sort donations, mentor and tutor.
Pulido naturally would rather ask for donations that go directly to students, but if donations can’t be picked up and delivered, needy students can’t be helped.
Visit to find a way to help Project 150 keep on truckin’.
Paul Harasim’s column runs Sunday and Tuesday in the Nevada section and Monday in the Health section. Contact him at or 702-387-5273. Follow @paulharasim on Twitter