Las Vegas is a town built on comps, but a recent memo from the Board of Regents came across as a blatant gimme. Addressed to all the presidents of all the universities, colleges and community colleges and written by board Chairman Kevin Page and Vice Chairman Rick Trachok, the memo came across as heavy-handed and greedy.
News Columns
You want to believe that someone who works in the health care industry has extra caring in his or her soul for their fellow man, that they’re at least partially driven by service to mankind, not solely by the pleasures and power made possible by the dollar.
Yes, you can do this. No, you can’t do that. And that road you hate? Get over it. The road you want more of? Nope, not gonna happen.
I’m starting to hate my home phone. The unwanted solicitations to clean my carpets and lower my energy bill. Bah.
U.S. Rep. Joe Heck didn’t surprise me when he opposed state Sen. Tick Segerblom’s idea that a pharmaceutical company should turn over the names of doctors suspected of overprescribing the painkillers it manufactured.
We live in the desert, and there’s prickly stuff everywhere.
The phone calls keep coming. Frequently the callers are angry. Often they’re crying.
With video and audio recordings showing Dr. Vinay Bararia selling drugs to undercover agents in the Centennial Hills Hospital parking lot and outside a bar across the street, a jury seems likely to find him guilty.
But whether there’s a motive or not, we’re all potential victims of any mass murderer who decides to use a vehicle to kill strangers.
This is where we’re at with our roads. They are adequate. We want them to be better. They’ll never be good enough.
Here’s a telephone number that could save your life, and it’s not 911.
When nurse Abby Hudema talks about why the University Medical Center pediatric intensive care unit staff follows infection control policies so closely — it was one of only five such units nationwide to earn the Consumer Reports’ top rating for preventing bloodstream infections in 2012 — she recalls a scene that at first blush doesn’t seem to have much to do with preventing bacteria from entering the bloodstream.
Clark County Commissioner Susan Brager was correct. Sheriff Doug Gillespie can dip into an estimated $136 million reserve to come up with $30 million needed to save 250 police officers’ jobs. Legally, he can do it. But Gillespie is right, too.
Clark County Commissioner Susan Brager, the swing vote on whether to raise the sales tax from 8.1 percent to 8.25 percent, said she has about six questions that Sheriff Doug Gillespie needs to answer before he can win her support.
Relinquishing power isn’t easy, especially for Clark County commissioners. But after 10 years of resistance, the current board has come around and agreed to delegate most of the power of governing University Medical Center of Southern Nevada to an appointed hospital board.