Six years ago, as a result of a hepatitis outbreak at his clinics that caused more than 50,000 people to get tested for hepatitis and HIV, Dr. Dipak Desai was forced to give up his medical license.
News Columns
Richard N. Velotta, the Review-Journal’s new Road Warrior writer, sees the column “as raising our collective ability to get around, sometimes out of town, on just about anything that moves.”
Sometimes, things just make us mad, especially when they’re out of our control. Too-slow drivers, too-fast drivers, traffic lights that change too quickly, and mopeds.
A man named Carl Chamberlain left me an unsettling voice mail last week.
If Thelma French lived in Michigan instead of Las Vegas, chances are good she’d be facing five years in prison and a $50,000 fine for what she laughingly calls “renting my uterus.”
The predominant attitude of readers this week centered around one question: Do I ask forgiveness or permission?
You don’t have to be a psychologist to understand that there’s a good bit of emotional turmoil accompanying a decision by a cancer patient on whether to participate in the first in-human trial of an anti-cancer drug.
Some questions have easy answers. Should you run that red light? No. Are convertible drivers happy it’s almost a glorious 80 degrees outside already? Absolutely.
If you get into a shootout with a thug who’s already shot five other people, Fred Bedient learned it’s best to pump your first bullet into your attacker’s head to avoid getting hit yourself.
It’s not uncommon in the Las Vegas Valley to pass multiple adult entertainment businesses in a single commute.
Connie Pope knows firsthand it’s not easy to ride on the back of a motorcycle when you’re about to give birth.
You’ve probably already put away your raincoats and forgot that you need new windshield wiper fluid after Friday’s rain, seeing as the forecast allowed us only one day of showers after an almost two-month dry spell.
I’m going back to my roots. No, I’m not going back to Arkansas, I’m returning to reporting.
My first visit to the O’Callaghan-Tillman Memorial bridge overlooking Hoover Dam was planned weeks ago as a photographic excursion for two friends. One is an excellent photographer, while his wife has cut off my head in many travel photos.
It’s a simple way to keep people healthier while also saving billions of dollars a year in health care spending.