U.S. District Judge Robert Clive Jones received a double whammy the other day. In two unrelated cases, his actions on the bench were overturned on appeal, the court essentially telling the judge to stop marching to his own drummer.
News Columns
A lot of people may have gotten that feeling recently when they’ve hit the road and seen some recently issued Nevada license plates. The demand for more number-letter variations has brought a new look to Nevada license plates.
Always thought Chancellor Dan Klaich was a straight shooter, but after a series of questionable actions on his part, I’m starting to have doubts.
The city of Las Vegas discourages traffic along Azure Drive by filling it with speed bumps and a street feature that I don’t think exists anywhere else in the valley — a “three-quarters traffic signal.”
For many years, Laura Myers volunteered for Habitat for Humanity, in places such as Uganda, Mongolia and New York. Her family suggests that memorial contributions to the late RJ reporter be made to Habitat.
Transportation is, of course, a top issue in cities nationwide. Unfortunately, there isn’t a single solution to solving transportation challenges that is cheap or easy.
Myers continued covering politics for the Review-Journal for two years after her diagnosis of stage 4 colon cancer in 2013. Her pain remained hidden as she worked.
On Monday, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled it was OK for a company to fire a customer service representative, even though what the worker was doing on his own time was perfectly legal under Colorado law.
If you’re a commuter who uses southbound Interstate 15 to get to work in the morning, begin planning an alternate route now. You’ll thank me June 22 when it’s a lead-pipe cinch that I-15 is going to turn into a slow-moving parking lot.
Myrna Williams’ party the other day turned into a reminder of all she has done for the less fortunate throughout her life, for those without a famous brother, without a political voice, without her sense of fairness.
This isn’t a stupid question and the answer is somewhat surprising: There’s no specific law that says you can’t have a dog in your lap when you drive.
With the 2015 Nevada legislative session safely over, now we await the unintended consequences of just-passed legislation.
Next time traffic piles up on the freeway and no solution appears to be in sight, the Highway Patrol urges motorists to stop shaking and start thinking.
After 48 years researching the mob, author and gaming consultant Bill Friedman knows the difference between “good hoods” and “bad gangsters,” and his new book “30 Illegal Years To The Strip” examines the differences between the two.
What many thought was an earthquake aftershock early Saturday morning was actually the sound of the state’s taxi industry imploding. And thus, a new — sort of — transportation option is being made available to residents of Southern Nevada.