Watching Clark County School District Superintendent Pat Skorkowsky confront the school board last week was like tuning into a soap opera.
News Columns
The clients of embattled probate attorney Robert Graham may not get much help from a compensation fund designed to help clients who’ve been fleeced by their attorneys.
Ryan Crosby’s story and another involving a class from Canyon Springs High School are extraordinary testimonials about a program that receives little publicity yet changes lives. We the People is a nationwide competition started in 1987 by the Center for Civic Education.
Henderson resident Douglas Cox has been a performer, an administrator and a motivational trainer — the man that President-elect Donald J. Trump used to motivate his employees to do their best. He now has a message for people 50-100: Remember that what you do is important every day of your life.
Janet Frasier Blumen could have remained a successful corporate attorney. Instead, she founded a nonprofit devoted to helping people develop skills that would make their families self sufficient.
Two years ago, Kaysee Nitta was enveloped in a 20-foot-tall wall of fire that burned 90 percent of her body. For months, she had pain so intense she needed to sing through it to cope.
Last week, Audi showed off a line of vehicles capable of counting down the seconds drivers have to wait at a red lights across the Las Vegas Valley. The Road Warrior tested the new technology and was impressed.
Heather Murren, a former Wall Street financier who started the Nevada Cancer Institute, thinks compulsory national service would help young people develop a sense of purpose and bring the country together.
Each December, Metro typically sees a slight upswing in crime, including burglaries and robberies. Police say it’s because people tend to carry around more cash and cards, shop at different places at sometimes odd hours, and — while out of town — leave cards and messages in mailboxes and on front porches unattended, for anyone to snatch.
Joe Rosa credits hard work and hard play for his long life. After being hit by a car at age 95, doctors said he’d likely never walk again, but a fitness trainer got him back on his feet. He says good times and girlfriends keep him young.
Harry Reid isn’t your typical politician. He isn’t handsome or charming, he doesn’t like to socialize and he is barely civil at times, much less warm and friendly.
Darren LaCroix, who teaches people how to use humor, says a major mistake is that people don’t know their audience.
Live images of traffic clogged freeways flashing on morning newscasts usually help motorists decide how to get to work. But some images just can’t — or shouldn’t — be seen by the general public.
Lysa Buonanno thought she had a bad back. What she had was lung cancer that spread to her bones. Modern medicine brought her back from Stage 4 cancer to none today. But no one knows how long that will last.
Combine educational issues with Nevada’s upcoming legislative session and you’ve got a scene straight from the movie “Jerry Maguire”: Show me the money.