The city of Las Vegas, the epicenter for squatters, was the first to pass a bill making lenders responsible for vacant homes in limbo because the foreclosure process hasn’t been finalized.
News Columns
A few months ago, Doris Stoehr got the good news: The city of Las Vegas was finally going to install that crosswalk she’d been begging for.
It took more than six weeks for Leon McKittrick to get six squatters out of a rental home he owns in Las Vegas.
First, understand the difference between renters and squatters.
Standards make the world go ’round. They help determine who we date, what we eat, how we interact with everyone else.
The enmity between North Las Vegas Councilwoman Anita Wood and Clark County Commissioner Tom Collins continues.
When 11-year-old Mackenzi Moers receives an intravenous blood product designed to boost her fragile immune system –– every three weeks her condition, called hypogammaglobulinemia, requires her to undergo a taxing six-hour regimen that supplies her with antibodies to help fight infection –– she is troubled by what she sees.
Every week, scads of emails roll in at Road Warrior Headquarters with all manner of complaints.
For as long as expelled Assemblyman Steven Brooks sits in the West Valley Detention Center in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., the public is safe.
There’s two of ’em. That’s the punch line to an old joke, but in this case, it’s not so laughable.
You can only do so much to make people behave. Ask anyone whose toddler has made his bedroom walls prettier with a red crayon.
Clark County and North Las Vegas vie for the same dollars and don’t always agree on issues.
Well before Dr. Dipak Desai faced criminal charges, Dr. Charles Cohan gave you the sense that the best the physician at the center of the 2007 hepatitis C outbreak in Las Vegas should hope for professionally is popping prisoners’ hemorrhoids, if he was allowed to practice medicine at all.
The winch turned. You could hear the gears moving. My Volkswagen inched its way up the flatbed tow truck.
Cheaters cheat because they’re dumb. And 14 wannabe city of Las Vegas firefighters are clearly among the dumbest.