Executive Director Barbara Buckley beamed like a proud mother as she showed me around the new Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada building, obviously proud of this baby.
News Columns
The Assembly, controlled by Democrats, those stalwart advocates for improving education, passed on the opportunity to add 100 new teachers from the Teach for America program to work in at-risk schools in Clark County over the next two years.
It eats at Dr. Michael Casey when someone with minor injuries dies, seemingly giving up the will to live.
Today, I’ll solve a mystery, shoot down a good idea and, if you stick around for the end, explain how smart people sometimes do dumb things.
First, the letter with the city of Las Vegas logo is not a fraudulent solicitation. Oh, it’s a solicitation, but it’s endorsed by the city.
Barbara Vucanovich was the first politician I followed into a restroom to nab an interview. During my years as the R-J’s political reporter, I fumed when male reporters would go in to grab a few words from male politicians.
With good reason –– it’s more than 100 degrees in the shade –– you are being inundated with media reports about the effects of heat.
Journalists love to brag about making a difference.
Sam wrote in with a question about a fast-developing area out in Henderson: “Can you find out why there is no dedicated right turn lane at the southwest corner of Via Inspirada and Volunteer Boulevard?
The legacy of the 2013 Legislature is one of empty promises and wasted hours with few real accomplishments, except for some that made small speciality groups happy.
In some ways, the question of quashing a subpoena seems like a dinky issue to be before the Nevada Supreme Court.
Sometimes the things I hear are jaw-dropping.
When insurance companies and medical providers have one of their frequent wars over money, what too often happens is that you and me –– so often referred to as either a cherished policyholder or a cherished patient –– end up as collateral damage.
Life just keeps getting better, doesn’t it? It’s the opposite of chaos, how darn organized we’re becoming at making things work better.
Among many things that make no sense to me: Why was lobbyist Harvey Whittemore charged criminally instead of civilly?