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Jane Ann Morrison

Supreme Court hopeful Tao scrubs ties to Harry Reid

On the last day possible to file for judicial office, Nevada Appellate Judge Jerome Tao dropped his Democratic registration and filed as a nonpartisan for an open Supreme Court seat. Oddly, GOP gubernatorial contender Adam Laxalt has endorsed the former speechwriter and legislative assistant for now-retired U.S. Sen. Harry Reid.

Don and Dee Snyder Elementary School can be proud of its namesakes

Don and Dee Snyder have made Las Vegas a better community through their philanthropy. On Tuesday, they will help celebrate the formal dedication of the Don and Dee Snyder Elementary School — an honor that touches the couple’s hearts.

District Judge Scotti shows poor decision-making from bench

Even before he became a Clark County district court judge, columnist Jane Ann Morrison says she didn’t think highly of Richard Scotti. That opinion has only solidified, given his recent rulings.

Disgraced former councilman Ricki Barlow had enablers

Former Las Vegas City Councilman Ricki Barlow pleaded guilty Monday in U.S. District Court to taking campaign money for his personal use. Columnist Jane Ann Morrison says his enablers may be under investigation too.

Trump straddling both sides of gun policy issue

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump surprised both gun rights advocates and those hoping for gun policy reforms by ordering Attorney General Jeff Sessions “to propose regulations to ban all devices that turn legal weapons into machine guns.”

Gaming regulators still going after Steve Wynn

For 12 days, an acidic drip, drip, drip demolished Steve Wynn’s reputation, finally forcing him to resign as chairman and CEO of Wynn Resorts on Tuesday. Now it looks as if his resignation won’t spare him embarrassment after all.

Judge lands Nevada Supreme Court seat after no one else files

The Nevada Supreme Court had two open seats in this fall’s election. Now there is only one. Abbi Silver, chief judge of the Court of Appeals, was elected outright when no one filed against her.

Las Vegas women’s rally saw shortage of 20-somethings

I went looking for 20-something women at last Sunday’s Women’s March: Power to the Polls rally, and my search found that the overwhelming number of the estimated 20,000 people attending, to put it delicately, appeared to be “women of a certain age.”

Judges’ ties with Sanson have courts in tight spot

Internet radio show host, self-proclaimed veterans advocate and judicial endorser Steve Sanson is in a legal no man’s land. Local judges don’t want to hear a defamation lawsuit filed against the social media and email bomb thrower.

GOP in Texas bounces former Nevada politician from ballot

Texas voters dodged a bullet. Lynette Boggs-Perez’s efforts to resurrect her political career in Texas went belly-up on a technicality. The Republican Party of Bexar County booted her off the ballot.

Feds’ decision on pot laws may create issues for casinos

Nevada’s Gaming Policy Committee sought guidance in November about whether the federal government would enforce federal laws that criminalized pot use, cultivation and distribution. Nevadans got their answer Thursday, but it wasn’t the one many wanted.

Sexual harassment dominates news cycles in 2017

Whether 2017 becomes a historical turning point in workplace sexual harassment will remain speculation until time passes and historians look at the long haul.

Program to help the needy squandered federal dollars in Nevada

When bureaucrats waste federal dollars meant to help people save their homes, it makes columnist Jane Ann Morrison crazy. And she’s not alone. U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, for one, also is upset.

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