Let the cannibalization of Republicans begin
June 3, 2009 - 4:48 pm
Clark County Republican Chairman Bernie Zadrowski has called a special meeting of the GOP Clark County central committee for June 9. He is asking the party faithful to pass a resolution, "in the strongest language possible," condemning Republican legislators who voted for tax increases and who voted to override the governor’s veto.
Zadrowski also seeks a resolution praising lawmakers who voted against the tax increases and who voted to sustain the governor’s veto of the state’s budget.
While resolutions are nothing but hot air, such resolutions are bound to infuriate those Republicans who will be savaged by their own party. They’re used to being thrashed by Democrats, but they don’t expect public whippings from Republicans.
The idea is controversial.
Republican Nathan Taylor is opposing the idea of holding a meeting to bash fellow Republicans, pointing out it will do nothing to help Republicans win seats in next years election.
"It saddens me to see us shooting at each other. So, again I caution you on your decision to pass resolutions that will only serve to divide our party further," Taylor wrote.
Zadrowski said the idea for the censure didn’t originate with him, but came from party activists. He said the executive board voted 23-1 to do the deed and seek censures of Republican legislators who abandoned core Republican principles.
Although he hasn’t proposed this drastic a step, Zadrowski said legislators in California who voted for tax increases were censured AND they lost party contributions and the mailers done under the party’s nonprofit status.
The thinking behind the censure is that it’s inappropriate for legislators to wrap themselves in the Republican Party flag at election time, utilize the Republican Party’s message and brand, and then jettison those principles, Zadrowski said.
"It’s time for them to be held accountable," he said.
Let’s see what the Republicans do on June 9 and whether this idea is trashed or embraced.
If it’s embraced, it’s a sign the hard-nose, Dick Cheney-loving faction controls the Clark County GOP and that moderate Republicans aren’t the kind of folks the party welcomes in Southern Nevada.
Big tent? What big tent?
Taylor is correct, censures don’t elect more Republicans.
As an aside, now that the party has lost GOP National Committeeman Joe Brown to the Nevada Gaming Commission, they need a new guy … and former Gov. Robert List is interested.
Zadrowski hasn’t heard of any other contenders, a sign List has it in the bag at the June 13 election.