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Nation and World

Feds’ list of most expensive colleges

What are the most expensive colleges? That depends what you mean by “most expensive.”

Obama asserts Mandela’s values are Africa’s future

Challenging African youth to seize a “moment of great promise,” President Barack Obama declared Sunday that the future of the young and growing continent still rests in ailing South African leader Nelson Mandela’s vision for equality and opportunity.

Federal judge refuses to block Kan. abortion rules

The chief federal judge in Kansas refused Sunday to temporarily block parts of a new state abortion law, including a requirement that providers’ websites link to a state site with information they dispute.

Kennedy refuses to halt gay marriages in Calif.

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy on Sunday denied a last-ditch request from the sponsors of California’s now-overturned gay marriage ban to halt the issuance of same-sex marriage licenses in the nation’s most populous state.

Marijuana’s march toward mainstream confounds feds

WASHINGTON — It took 50 years for American attitudes about marijuana to zigzag from the paranoia of “Reefer Madness” to the excesses of Woodstock back to the hard line of “Just Say No.”

Rapper Meek Mill ordered to take etiquette classes

PHILADELPHIA — A judge has ordered rapper Meek Mill to attend etiquette classes and notify his probation officer before he takes any trips outside of the commonwealth.

Biden asks Ecuador president to nix Snowden asylum

Vice President Joe Biden has asked Ecuador to turn down an asylum request from National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden, the country’s president said Saturday.

Ruling a boon for gay couples with foreign spouse

After being interviewed by a federal immigration officer earlier this year, Catriona Dowling was told her Irish spouse would have been given a green card – if she were a man.

New bird species discovered in Cambodian capital

A previously unknown species of bird has been discovered in Cambodia, not in some remote jungle but in the country’s capital, researchers announced Wednesday.

Egypt group: 22 million signatures against Morsi

More than 22 million Egyptians have signed a petition calling for the country’s Islamist president to step down, the youth group leading the signature campaign said Saturday on the eve of mass protests aimed at forcing Mohammed Morsi from office.

In South Africa, Obama pays tribute to ill Mandela

Paying tribute to his personal hero, President Barack Obama met privately Saturday with Nelson Mandela’s family as the world anxiously awaited news on the condition of the ailing 94-year-old anti-apartheid leader.

Face transplant patient celebrates life in public

BALTIMORE — In the 15 years between a shotgun blast that ravaged the bottom half of Richard Norris’ face and the face transplant that ended a hermit-like life for him, the man from rural southwest Virginia faced cruelty from strangers, fought addiction and contemplated suicide.

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