With college costs rising every year, some students say they might never get their degrees without the support of scholarships. Donations, largely from wealthy individuals or corporations, fund those scholarships.
When Las Vegas gaming executive and real estate developer Philip Cohen died a year ago, he did something unusual for a man who’d never graduated college: He left millions of dollars to UNLV.
Hollie Taylor was at the end of her rope. She’d been denied admittance to UNLV, which probably should not have been surprising considering she’d been out of school for 15 years, had two kids and worked two full-time jobs.
Take a walk through virtually any university’s campus, and names both familiar and unheard of are plastered on the sides of many of the buildings.
Gov. Brian Sandoval called for members of a new board overseeing charter school education to provide more choices for parents and children who deserve the right to select the type of education that meets their personal needs.
After months of neither side budging, the school district has dropped its demand for the teachers union to give up the Teachers Health Trust it created, according to a Thursday announcement from the Clark County Education Association.
Property taxes need to be raised now to generate the $5.3 billion needed to keep 357 aging schools operable, Clark County School Board members agreed Thursday evening.
No pens or pencils were required for these students’ final exams, just a firm knowledge of the Constitution and a stomach for public speaking. Every seventh-grader at Saville Middle School, 8101 N. Torrey Pines Drive, participated in mock Congressional hearings last month as an alternative assessment for their government classes.
A team from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, is one 20 selected from around the world that will be participating in a contest to build an energy neutral house.