On Sept. 7, three days before two Clark County teachers were arrested on accusations of having sex with a Henderson high school student, the Pahrump educator who was the catalyst for Nevada’s law against such acts was paroled after serving 16 years of a life sentence for raping a student.
Four community members will be honored today at the Public Education Foundation’s 16th annual Education Hero Award dinner at CityCenter’s Mandarin Oriental hotel.
Eldorado High School is without power and students have been bused to Desert Pines High School while NV Energy tries to resolve the outage, according to Clark County School District officials.
Rainwater streamed down the inside of a classroom wall with one of the few electrical outlets available for about a dozen computers.
Kids danced, played basketball and competed in track and field events Sept. 6, all in the name of fighting childhood obesity as part of Vegas PBS’ Keeping Kids Fit program at the Donald W. Reynolds Clubhouse of the Las Vegas Boys & Girls Club.
Las Vegas High School ninth-grader Alyssa Khamvongsa recently reported for her new after-school internship at Goldfarb Elementary School. She is one of 20 high school students interning for Leaders in Training, a new nonprofit organization started by former Goldfarb teacher Erica Mosca.
Less than a third of Clark County schools made the grade under No Child Left Behind in the 2011-12 academic year, marking a new low for the country’s fifth-largest district.
In any other circumstance, the array of items blanketing the table would be harmless, picked up in a family trip to the grocery store. A canister of Pringles, a bottle of water, Visine eye drops, a can of Dr Pepper, Tootsie Rolls, a pacifier, children’s chewable vitamins, WD-40. Even a rock.
The deluge that engulfed much of the UNLV campus earlier this week was much like the college’s recent history – underwater, President Neal Smatresk said Thursday.
Teacher John Stalmach, accused with a female teacher of committing sex acts with a 16-year-old Basic High School girl, is once again under scrutiny over allegations of improper conduct involving a different teenage girl.
UNLV recently announced formation of a new Office of Economic Development as part of its continued effort to connect emerging research with business and spur economic recovery in Nevada, officials said Tuesday in a statement.
One of two teachers arrested this week on allegations of having sex with a 16-year-old Basic High School student was previously investigated and suspended for having an inappropriate relationship with a freshman girl, a Henderson police report released Tuesday said.