A snowman in Las Vegas is a rarity, except at the Springs Preserve, which has dozens on display through Sunday.
More than 30 teams of undergraduate engineering students showed off their ingenuity Dec. 5 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas during the 2012 Senior Design Competition.
Gov. Brian Sandoval appointed billionaire education advocate Elaine Wynn to the State Board of Education on Monday, enacting lawmaker-approved changes to the board that sets education policy.
Principal Brenda McKinney grabs her handheld radio and issues the “go” order.
Time after time, the school nurse refers pain-stricken children to a doctor or dentist but doubts their parents will take them.
Las Vegas police sent officers to all 300 public and private schools in the city Friday to ease fears shortly after a gunman walked into an elementary school 2,500 miles away in Newtown, Conn., killing 20 children and six adults at the school.
Opening elementary schools consisting entirely of portable rooms. Adding portable classrooms to existing schools where the fields are already packed with as many as 20 portables.
EdisonLearning is at last making gains at the half dozen Clark County public schools it has operated for more than a decade, and not a moment too soon.
Clark County public schools will receive $15.6 million more than predicted in the 2012-13 school year, mostly because of an increase in enrollment and Nevada’s per-student funding rate, according to the district’s amended budget adopted Thursday.
It has been well-known for some time that Clark County schools rank low nationally, but how do they compare with schools in Germany, Japan, Canada and Finland, whose graduates will be competing with Americans in an increasingly global job market?
The Carson City School District was named one of 16 recipients Tuesday of a competitive, Race to the Top education grant, an award that will provide up to $10 million to help students. It was the only winner from Nevada.
University of Nevada, Las Vegas associate professor of architecture Alfredo Fernandez-Gonzalez is no stranger to teaching awards the list is long and full of prestigious titles. In November, it got a little longer when he was named the 2012 Nevada Professor of the Year by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education.