Hospitality Hall, a 95,000-square-foot hotel college building at UNLV, is one step closer to reality.
CARSON CITY — Teachers looking to use a Nov. 4 ballot question to pass the biggest education tax increase in Nevada history face opposition from a new business group determined to derail their efforts.
When Andre Agassi announced last week his financing of buildings for three charter schools in Southern Nevada, he described the projects as the potential “start of a pipeline” of new, local charters. Well, there’s already another deal to announce.
A volunteer at a Houston-area elementary school who noticed some students were getting a smaller lunch of cold cheese sandwiches is digging into his own pocket to cover $465 in delinquent meal accounts so all the kids can get the same full lunch tray.
Gun-shy about asking voters for another property tax increase after hearing a resounding 2-to-1 “No” 15 months ago, the Clark County School Board on Thursday balked at deciding whether to repeat the request on November’s ballot.
A $50 million academic building for UNLV’s William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration took an initial step Tuesday with the approval of a $2.8 million contract for architectural services.
The school campus at 9625 W. Saddle Ave. just got sent back a few grades.
Another nonprofit has joined the battle to declare email addresses of Clark County School District’s 18,000 teachers public information.
Following orders from state lawmakers in 2013, the Nevada State Board of Education is phasing out the four high school proficiency exams in reading, writing, math and science that are required to graduate.
Parents in Utah say they’re outraged after up to 40 elementary school students at a Salt Lake City school had their school lunches thrown out because of outstanding balances on their account.
Five years into the economic recovery, Nevadans’ personal finances have improved slightly but remain among the worst in the country, according to a new report released Thursday.
Departing UNLV President Neal Smatresk will earn $505,000 in base salary as the new leader of the University of North Texas. His annual base salary at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas was $246,426, with a total compensation package of $447,424.
Possible AFL-CIO opposition to the proposed Nevada business margins tax could doom the NSEA “teachers tax’s” chances of winning voter approval on Nov. 4.
The graduation rate for Clark County School District, often regarded as one of the lowest-performing urban school systems in the country, has increased for the second consecutive year to 72 percent in 2012-13.
“This is a historic day for Nevada,” Gov. Brian Sandoval said Jan. 16 at the groundbreaking ceremony for Nevada State College’s two new buildings. “The students are excited, the faculty is excited. This is the foundation of the future of our state.”