After years of making the case that the education of athletes is paramount, the NCAA now says it has no legal responsibility to make sure education is actually delivered.
The curriculum to implement Common Core is so confusing that parents can’t even help their elementary school-age children do their homework, a state lawmaker said Wednesday in support of a bill to repeal the controversial educational standards in Nevada.
For four years, high school senior Emily Weddell has dedicated a week of her time to answer prayers. With a group of her school peers, the 17-year-old visited Guatemalan schools and orphanages and donated water filters that benefited more than 6,000 children.
Reynaldo Leroy Martinez is proof that the most humble of beginnings can launch successful careers. The former political consultant, senior adviser and chief of staff for U.S. Sen. Harry Reid is the namesake of Martinez Elementary School and the Martinez Child Development Center.
Parenting a toddler going through his “terrible twos” can be overwhelming, but area resident Karen Purves is here to guide parents through the process. Through her nonprofit, Secure Parenting, Purves plans pilot parenting courses from 10 a.m. to noon Sundays starting April 12 and 4 to 6 p.m. Mondays starting April 13.
Most Las Vegans are aware that Walker Furniture gives away furniture to families in need around Christmastime. But it also has a similar program for schools: the Valentine Teacher Appreciation Day contest. The winner is chosen based on a letter written by a student, describing his favorite teacher. This year, for the 15th annual contest, Rogich Middle School was the recipient.
A bill that would allow incorporated cities to form their own school systems by carving out a piece of a larger district using existing local government boundaries had a hearing Monday in the Assembly Education Committee.
As more than 43 high school teams convened for the FIRST® Robotics Las Vegas Regional Competition, it’s easy to focus on the students and the intricate robots they designed, but their mentors and coaches are the reason they’re able to compete in the first place.
Andrew Magness, who has taught at Valley High School for eight years, recently was named Clark County’s Educator of the Month for February.
Students from across the state gathered at Tarkanian Middle School on Friday for the 2015 Nevada National Geographic State Bee at Tarkanian Middle School.
A bill that would authorize the state Department of Education to take over underperforming schools was described Friday as a measure of last resort for institutions that have been unable to make progress in student achievement after years of effort.
A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit that alleged a girl was harassed at Wynn Elementary School because she was black.
The Nevada Legislature and governor are giving the Clark County School District fits. Finance officers for the nation’s fifth-largest school district are predicting a nearly $108 million budget shortfall if Gov. Brian Sandoval’s state budget is passed as is and two state education ordered waivers are rolled back.
If Nevada ends up designating so-called “Victory Schools” for high-poverty areas of the Silver State, there won’t be a one-size-fits all model for improving them. That’s why all Victory schools need the flexibility to create plans for improvements and using the funding, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Dale Erquiaga, said Thursday.