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Letters to the editor

Treatment of rodeo animals is cruel, unfair

Regarding your front-page article and photo in the Henderson/Anthem View of April 24, 2012, titled "Rope and Ride" which reported on the rodeo being held at South Point:

I think it is safe to say that some, if not many, in your readership feel according to the way Mahatma Gandhi must have when he was quoted as saying: "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Gandhi’s philosophy was that in a civilized society, it is our moral obligation to protect all innocent living beings from needless cruelty and suffering. I don’t think he would have approved of horses, cattle and other mammals being "roped," "ridden," wrestled to the ground, conditioned and prodded with clubs and hooks, baited and otherwise mistreated, then having to endure myriad injuries as well in order to provide the proverbial "bread and circuses" for the masses. Nor do I. Additionally, I know from experience that the simple option when these animals are injured under these conditions is to put them down as expend able.

I was raised with a sense of entitlement over other sentient beings as most of us were. But it was based on ignorance. Further knowledge made me abandon what I now know is a pathetically anthropocentric point of view. I know many agree with me in feeling that animals should not to be used for clothing, entertainment or even food.

All I can hope for the animals is that karma will one day set things straight.

(That an institution of "higher education" like UNLV should be involved in this is hypocritical and oxymoronic, but that is a separate issue.)

Barbara Jones

Las Vegas

Group thanks community for participation in shredding event

Team Emanuele of Golden Real Estate and Investment group LLC would like to give a heartfelt thank you to all who made our Opportunity Village Shred-A-Thon a huge success :

n Steve Blust from View Newspapers for publishing our event with just a moment’s notice. Many of the Views’ readers came out to support the cause, bringing documents to shred and offering donations.

n Kenney Luoto and Bradley Mildenberger, managers of participating Albertsons, for donating sandwiches and water for the shredding event.

Most important, we would like to thank the great community of Las Vegas for is combined efforts. In a four-hour period, we collected 8,237 pounds of paper, equaling more than 4 tons or 68 trees saved.

Thank you, Las Vegas, for supporting Opportunity Village.

Richard H. Emanuele

Las Vegas

Blank space is better than reality TV

If the only people of interest you can find living in Summerlin are bar-hopping, bare-it-all bimbos and polygamists, do us all a favor and find something else to write about ("Channel surfing Summerlin," April 17, Summerlin/Summerlin South View). Being an idiotic reality TV star is not something I want my kids to aspire to, and allowing them space in your publication gives them an air of credibility they don’t deserve. Next time just leave the space blank and we’ll know you just don’t have any good ideas fit to print for that edition.

Dan Hall


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