Foundation offers host of scholarships for Southern Nevada students
Updated January 15, 2018 - 9:34 am

A mural on the wall of The Rogers Foundation building on Thursday, Feb. 9, 2017, in Las Vegas. (Christian K. Lee/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @chrisklee_jpeg

Beverly Rogers, co-founder of The Rogers Foundation is shown during red carpet arrivals for the Heart of Education Awards at The Smith Center on Saturday, May 7, 2016. (Martin Fuentes/Las Vegas Review-Journal)
Even with a well-known name, the Rogers Foundation can struggle to attract high school seniors to apply for its numerous college scholarships.
That’s why the foundation is pushing to remind students they have until Feb. 2 to apply.
“They know who we are, but they forget about it by the time they’re a senior,” said Michelle Sanders, the Rogers Foundation’s grants and scholarships director. “That’s why I make an effort to go out to the schools personally and have conversations with students.”
Eleven Rogers Achievers Scholarships, ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 per year for four years, will be awarded.
This year, because of how well students have been performing, the foundation added five $5,000-per-year scholarships.
“We’ve been having so much success with the students,” Sanders said. “They’re engaged, making great grades and are really invested in the programs at the different universities they go to. They’ve done a phenomenal job — we see the payback.”
Also new this year, the foundation is offering 10 one-time-only Chapman Dodge Books and Supplies Allowance of $500.
And, the Rogers Foundation, founded in 2013 by Jim and Beverly Rogers, is giving at least 12 full scholarships to Kentucky Wesleyan College, an institution many of Jim Rogers’ family members attended and one that features a top arts program.
Jim Rogers, who was born in Kentucky, was a longtime Las Vegas resident until his death in 2014. Rogers, who owned KSNV-TV, Channel 3, and his wife contributed to philanthropic and educational endeavors for decades in Southern Nevada and nationwide.
Sanders said she advises students to explore options for scholarships.
“I always try to encourage them to shoot for the stars, but to know your surroundings — never leave money on the table,” Sanders said. “The dream school may not come through.”
To date, Sanders said about 137 students have applied, or have started an application. By the deadline, the number should double, she said.
“There’s always a push in the last week,” Sanders said.
Contact Natalie Bruzda at or 702-477-3897. Follow @NatalieBruzda on Twitter.
How to apply
Students can apply online at Students have until Feb. 2.
Available scholarships
— $25,000 scholarship: This award is for $25,000 per year (renewable for an additional three years). One scholarship will be offered.
— $10,000 scholarship: This award is per year (renewable for an additional three years) to any institution of higher education. Five scholarships will be offered.
— $5,000 scholarship: This award is per year (renewable for an additional three years) to any institution of higher education. Five scholarships will be offered.
— $500 books and supplies allowance: This is a one-time award that may be used by the recipient for books and or supplies at any institution of higher education. Ten scholarships will be offered.
— Kentucky Wesleyan Rogers’ Fellows Scholarship: The Rogers Foundation will offer a minimum of 12 annual full scholarships to attend Kentucky Wesleyan College. These scholarships are open to current high school seniors in the Clark County School District, as well as transferring college freshmen and sophomores enrolled in a college in Southern Nevada. Additionally, each scholarship will cover the full cost of tuition, fees and room and board. Each award recipient will receive the scholarship for up to four full years of study.