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North Las Vegas

North Las Vegas to charge landowners in road, sewer project

Landowners will be charged property assessments to help pay for a new access road and sewer infrastructure on a 1,100-acre vacant chunk of land that will eventually become a large industrial park.

North Las Vegas limits oversized-vehicle parking

The North Las Vegas City Council unanimously approved an ordinance that limits oversized-vehicle parking in residential neighborhoods to 48 hours.

North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee keeps cash flowing

North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee is planning to hold a “debt retirement” fundraising party next week, even though his campaign coffers are flush with cash.

Construction begins on Vegas Trade Village in North Las Vegas

Huanghai Development and North Las Vegas city officials will hold a ground-breaking ceremony Wednesday for the first phase of Vegas Trade Village at the northeast corner of Cheyenne Avenue and Commerce Street.

Teen injured in North Las Vegas shooting

In just 24 hours, North Las Vegas has seen two shootings near one intersection, and the latest has injured a teenager.

Online recruitment drive for firefighters starts Tuesday

An online recruitment drive for firefighter positions with the Clark County, North Las Vegas and Pahrump fire departments and the Mount Charleston Fire Protection District will begin at 8 a.m. Tuesday.

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