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Downloading the Review-Journal news app is easier than you think. Simply click on your preferred streaming app below for a brief video on how to search and download 7@7.

LVRJ News App

Access the latest news anytime, anywhere. The Las Vegas Review-Journal app puts breaking news updates, videos, podcasts and more at your fingertips in an easy-to-read format.
  • Top News
  • Local
  • Sports including Golden Knights, Raiders, UNLV plus other local and national team coverage.
  • Business
  • Politics
  • Opinion
  • Crime
  • Life
  • Entertainment
  • Real Estate
In addition, you will get updates on breaking news as it happens, and the latest weather. Everything you need to know in one easy to use mobile app. Stories are laid out in an easy-to-read format that moves as fast as you do; all the content of the print edition where you want it, when you want it.
FOR APP SUPPORT, EMAIL APPDEVRJ@REVIEWJOURNAL.COM with the type of phone you have and the problem you are having.

Vegas Nation® App

The VEGAS NATION® app provides comprehensive Las Vegas Raiders coverage with breaking news updates, analysis, opinions, videos, stats, standings, schedules and more from the award-winning team at the Las Vegas Review-Journal and reviewjournal.com.
  • Access: The updated VEGAS NATION® app mirrors the experience of using the vegasnation.com mobile site. All website content is available, including exclusive podcasts, videos and live-streamed coverage of press conferences and other news events.
  • News alerts: VEGAS NATION® users can tailor notifications so they never miss breaking news and developments on the biggest Raiders stories.
  • Social: Connected to the VEGAS NATION® Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts for up-to-the minute news.
  • LiveCam: View real-time construction through opening day at Allegiant Stadium, the new home of the Las Vegas Raiders.
FOR APP SUPPORT, EMAIL APPDEVRJ@REVIEWJOURNAL.COM with the type of phone you have and the problem you are having.

LVRJ eEdition App

The Las Vegas Review-Journal news e-edition delivers the print newspaper to your device. The e-edition lets you enlarge the type, tap on links, and discover previous issues you may have missed. Take a digital version of the newspaper with you wherever you go!
FOR APP SUPPORT, EMAIL APPDEVRJ@REVIEWJOURNAL.COM with the type of phone you have and the problem you are having.