Senate hits brick walls on taxes, energy efficiency
May 17, 2014 - 6:28 pm

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. (AP Photo)
WASHINGTON — The Senate stumbled again last week, failing to make progress on bills that would cut taxes and encourage energy efficiency.
Senate leaders hit another impasse over what, if any, amendments would be debated on the bills, even though they enjoyed bipartisan support. Consequently, each failed to gain the 60 votes necessary to advance.
Senators voted 55-36 — five votes short — on a motion to open debate on an energy bill by Sens. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., and Rob Portman, R-Ohio. It would direct manufacturers and the government to cooperate on developing model regulations and building codes to make homes and commercial buildings more energy-efficient.
Republicans charged Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada was blocking their efforts to call for votes on five pro-energy amendments, including one to restrict Environmental Protection Agency rules on carbon emissions from power plants.
Reid said Republicans were trying to move the goal posts from a previous agreement that would have allowed a vote on the controversial Keystone pipeline in exchange for no amendments on the energy-efficiency bill.
The vote fell largely along party lines, with most Democrats voting to advance the bill and most Republicans voting to hold it up. Reid favored the bill but voted against it in a procedural move that allows him to call it up at another time. Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., did not vote.
Senators went through a similar exercise on a bill that would extend 55 tax breaks for individuals and businesses. Among other things, the $85 billion bill would continue deductions for research and development, renewable energy production, state and local sales taxes and movies and television shows produced in distressed parts of the country.
Republicans filibustered, arguing Reid was attempting to close the bill without allowing amendments. Both sides said they would try to work out a deal on amendments and revive the politically popular bill in the coming days.
The 53-40 procedural vote on the tax extenders bill — seven short of the necessary 60 — fell largely along party lines. Heller voted against advancing the bill. Reid favored the bill but voted against it in a procedural move that would allow him to call it up at another time.
The House was in recess last week.
Contact Stephens Washington Bureau chief Steve Tetreault at 202-783-1760 or Follow @STetreaultDC on Twitter.