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Huntridge Theater in Las Vegas attracts potential buyer

Updated October 16, 2019 - 8:36 pm

A deal is in the works to sell the Huntridge Theater near downtown Las Vegas, according to officials.

City Attorney Brad Jerbic mentioned the deal at Wednesday’s City Council meeting as part of Project Enchilada, city spokesman Jace Radke said.

Project Enchilada is an initiative that began last summer, aimed at revitalizing downtown, starting with the Fremont Street area.

Jerbic said a buyer has shown interest in purchasing the theater, 1208 E. Charleston Blvd., and a deal is underway.

Details of the deal were unavailable, Radke said Wednesday night.

The theater, which opened in 1944, was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1993. In July 1995, the roof collapsed hours before a concert, but no one was injured or killed.

The Huntridge closed in 2004, unable to succeed as a concert venue.

Contact Alexis Egeland at aegeland@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0335. Follow @alexis_egeland on Twitter.

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