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Assembly rejects Strip arena initiative

CARSON CITY — An initiative to create a special taxing district to pay for a new arena on the Las Vegas Strip will go to voters next year after the Nevada Assembly rejected the proposal Friday.

The voice vote approving Senate Concurrent Resolution 4 follows similar action in the state Senate on Thursday.

Those who support the plan to build a new arena circulated petitions and gathered more than 200,000 signatures statewide to bring the matter before lawmakers — or voters if the Legislature failed to act or rejected it.

The measure calls for a special taxing district in the Strip area, where an additional sales tax of 0.9 percent would be imposed to build the $448 million arena on land donated by Caesars Entertainment.

Other Strip operators oppose the effort. And separate arena proposals are being discussed.

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State calls on CCSD to pay for budget deficit

Nevada Superintendent of Public Instruction Jhone Ebert said the district needs to cover costs before putting the pressure on principals.