Big Bear Lake, California, is one of the closest high-elevation destinations for Southern Nevadans seeking a summer getaway with cool temperatures.
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The ingredients and methods for composting are the same regardless of where you live, but those who reside in the Southwest may want to consider a few additional suggestions.
You are an observant kid. You pay attention.
For a while now, you’ve listened to the news and you have opinions. You know what you’d do about war if you were president. You have ideas on how to stop poverty, hunger and other world problems.
So what can a kid like you do?
Pecan trees will do well in this climate, but I would not recommend them as a shade tree in the desert.
The other day, you were outside playing and you hit your head.
Ouch! It hurt so much that you started to cry, both eyes watering. Your ears rang and you cried so hard, you started to hiccup. But you were fine, you felt better later and you even managed a laugh when your dad tickled you a little.
Las Vegas Fire & Rescue Chief Mike Myers recently addressed homeowners in Sun City Summerlin, assuring them that despite cuts in manpower and a tight budget, Las Vegas Fire & Rescue is dedicated to retaining its rating as one of the most efficient departments of its kind in the country.
In many cases, an iris needs a year or sometims more to get established before it will bloom. Much depends on the size of the rhizome that was planted and how it was planted.
In many cases, an iris needs a year or sometims more to get established before it will bloom. Much depends on the size of the rhizome that was planted and how it was planted.
Now, it’s possible to see two kinds of condors at one of their natural habitats: the Grand Canyon.
Superman is not so super.Oh, sure, he can leap over buildings, but does he give horseback rides? He can stop trains, but can he stop your sister from bugging you? He may not ,but your dad can.
You’re a pretty smart kid.
If something is broken, you try to fix it or you work around it. You’re good at figuring things out and making up inventions as you need them. Best of all, if you can’t wrap your brain around a problem, you know enough to ask for help. You’re a smart kid, but you can’t do everything yourself. So, what if it was up to you to save your family or even your entire neighborhood?
Question: I have voracious pillbugs eating my tomato plants, starting at the stalk at ground level. These are the bugs that resemble armadillos and can roll themselves into a ball. Is there anything I can do to protect the plants or get rid of the bugs?
If you can hit the trail early on these days of late spring, you can still sneak into a few lower-elevation destinations before temperatures soar into the misery range. A good point for such a dawn attack might be Keyhole Canyon in the western foot of the Eldorado Mountains about 20 miles south of Boulder City.