There are lots of different kinds of petunias. For instance, the Madness Summer Series can take the heat, but petunias typically are not known for that.
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Mulch of all types saves water and reduces weeding. But unlike rock mulch, wood chip mulch will rot into the soil.
Anyone who has been gardening for a while has a horror story or two about hornworms, which infest many vegetables in the tomato family.
Boron is one of the salts commonly found in desert soils. It can be present naturally or it can accumulate over the years in such places as horse corrals.
The year-old monument south of Las Vegas helps to preserve a wildlife corridor that stretches from Mojave National Preserve to the Colorado Plateau.
My best advice is to look at the amount of light they received, horticulture expert Bob Morris says, and then at the varieties you chose.
One day a week will be enough water from December through about March. But during fruit production, more water is required.
All of the so-called temperate fruit trees flower in the spring. The white-flowered types such as almonds, plums and pluots, apples and pears usually flower a bit later.
My landscaper is recommending a redbud tree in the planter attached to my pool. I asked him if that’s a good tree to plant so close to the pool.
Uncommon wildflowers and desert blooms should be part of the spring hiking mix in the coming weeks at Lake Mohave.
You should smell a big difference between bay laurel and cherry laurel, which come from different plant families despite their similar names.
It’s difficult to find someone to prune several kinds of fruit trees. In fruit-producing areas, such skilled workers are easier to find.
I have a garden that I want to let my tortoise roam in. What plants do they like and which ones are bad for them?
Older streaks are from the accumulation of suber, or corky tissue. These “rashes” also may happen when a cactus is damaged by disease.
The refuge’s 5,382 protected acres are a year-round desert oasis for wildlife and an important food-and-lodging stop for migratory birds.