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East Valley

Free Comic Book Day comes to Las Vegas on May 6

Like the summer blockbuster movies they inspire, comic books keep gaining popularity. Free Comic Book Day, on May 6, also has grown to become one of the biggest events of the year for comic book retailers.

Las Vegas’ liquor law changes seen as too little, too late

Martin Dean Dupalo has owned a home in the east valley since 1980 and said he isn’t opposed to growth, but he has grown increasingly frustrated with the direction it has taken. He partly blames a substance that’s found in spades in Sin City.

Las Vegas nonreligious center embraces communal aspects of church

Kevin Breen is a fan of the loving community found in church, but he isn’t as thrilled with the concept of God. A few years ago he met several overlapping groups of like-minded people, and the result is a place where atheists, agnostics, humanists and skeptics can gather and share ideas.

Las Vegas High distribution center to help students in need

Las Vegas High School staff members are ramping up efforts to help homeless students. The school, 6500 E. Sahara Ave., has 65 Title I HOPE (Homeless Outreach Program for Education) students, but there are many more students who don’t qualify but still need a hand up.

Downtown Las Vegas nightclub, The Nerd, aims for ‘anti-club atmosphere’

They could have been rivals, but Nick Fotheringham and Jonathan Borchetta realized they’d make better business partners. The result is The Nerd, a new nightclub in Neonopolis, 450 Fremont St. “I wanted to do a comic-con-themed venue,” Borchetta said. “It’s a self-indulgence really. I wanted to fill it with cool stuff I liked.”

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